
Gospel of Luke

13 Mar 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Human pride, perhaps, is the greatest snare, having many forms, immense subtlety, and bringing upon us the opposition and indignation of God. Here are its main injuries to life and soul, and the only way to end its dominance, by the power of God.

25 Dec 2018
Christmas by Dr Peter Masters
Not a charming story but a series of profound and vital facts about Christ and His work. Here the questions are answered - Why shepherds? Why an angel? Why 'good tidings'? Why the term 'Saviour'? Why the sign of a manger and then a choir?
25 Dec 2015
Christmas by Dr Peter Masters
25 Dec 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
We cannot imagine the glory of divine light that filled the sky and hills around the shepherds when the angel of the Lord appeared, nor the praise of the only angelic choir ever heard on earth. Here we marvel and learn from what the shepherds heard and saw of Christ.
3 Jan 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In a single verse Simeon's biography gives four features of a life the Lord will use for His glory. How we should covet these, praying for them and cultivating them. Here is the way to great instrumentality wherever we are placed, and the basis of assurance.

25 Dec 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
What is the purpose of your life? Is your objective earthly or eternal? Is it material or spiritual? Christ lived on earth according to a set plan to accomplish our reconciliation with God. Our response to His life and work determines whether we have a heavenly destiny or purpose.
28 Jan 2018
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

He who saw Satan cast out of Heaven began His ministry in voluntary subjection to the adversary's extreme malice. Yet even the Lord of Glory must do so to 'qualify' to be our representative and Saviour. Here is the meaning of each temptation and response.

12 May 2019
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Christ calls us to think about what life should really accomplish and the central importance of the soul. They show how much we need God's words for the soul to live, and the tragedy of devoting our entire lives to this material life and losing Heaven.

13 May 2018
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Conversion to Christ may take place in a moment, but more often we discover what it means to find Him by stages. Here is the experience of Simon Peter, tracing his phases of reluctance up to the great moment of genuine faith. 

8 Jan 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Through the life of Simon Peter we may trace several stages of his opening up to Christ and seeking personal spiritual life. Conflicting aims and misunderstandings are resolved as he comes to the decisive point of faith and surrender to the Lord of life. His experience helps us.