
Sermons on James

25 Mar 2018
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The tragedy of human pride, affecting everyone, is here probed. God, the Bible says, arranges Himself in battle against the proud. Why is it so abhorrent to God? What are its forms and manifestations? How may we push through it to seek and find Him?

25 Aug 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

To know Christ we must first submit to Him, but who will? It offends our pride. But in rejecting God we unwittingly submit ourselves to a host of other influences and forces. How much better and greater is the love and power of the Saviour of souls.

2 Dec 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

James gives two examples of how a worldly believer lives without reference to God: first in critical talk about other Christians, and secondly in deciding their own affairs without considering God's will and purpose. Here is how to be prayerfully available to God, the opposite of worldliness.

4 Jul 2021
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

'What is your life?' asks James, 'it is even a vapour'. Here is material, physical life without God, its instability and brevity, its insubstantial character and its lack of merit and value for eternity. How very different it could be with the intervention of Christ the Lord.

26 Jun 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The great question posed and answered by James, half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, illustrates life as a vapour, so brief, inconsequential, unstable, and insubstantial, with other deficiencies here unfolded. But the opposite characteristics fill our lives when we come to Christ.

9 Dec 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The lot of materialists is vividly described by James, viewed in the light of eternity. They do not see it, but believers do, and so avoidance of earthly 'goods' is not hard. Here is advice on material things. Also, how the church family is far better than earthly things to believers.

23 Dec 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Patience is described by James as a means of proving the Lord's affection and compassion, and also a route to great happiness. Here are the kinds of affliction that require patience; how it is obtained and exercised, and what it accomplishes in the spiritual life.

30 Dec 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

(First 15 mins missing due to power cut.) Prayer is both an immense privilege and a great responsibility for saved people. This is about 'energised' prayer, concerned and pleading in character, and also zealous and persistent. Here are the obstacles and the way to overcome them: to pray with great resulting power.

6 Jan 2013
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

It is the duty of believers to watch for backsliding with tender concern, and to win back wanderers. This leads James to state a magnificent and inspiring New Testament proverb or faithful saying, a motto for soul winners. Here is its meaning, encouragements and its powerful incentives.