
Sermons on Philippians

12 Jan 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Philippi had a remarkable congregation, bonded to the apostle Paul through longstanding ties of support and love. This is truly an epistle of love, also shedding much light on how to apply the Word to life, and to the practical service of Christ.

19 Jan 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul prays that our love will overflow, leading us to choose Christ's interests in every aspect of life. Our spiritual journey consists of continuous choices - here they are. Right choosing keeps us genuine all the way, and gives rise to practical fruits that glorify God.

Surprises of the Spirit Philippians 1.12-20
26 Jan 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul is silenced by imprisonment for years, yet in Rome his witness stirs the entire emperor's palace and guard, and moves the 'underground' church to new boldness. Learning from the tragedy of wrongly motivated preachers. Also, praying for preachers, and the challenge to magnify Christ by life or death.

2 Feb 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's great profession challenges every believer. All we are and have is Christ's - homes, possessions, abilities, and time. He is our standing, strength, joy and future. We live to prove Him in holiness, service and love, and here is how death is all gain for His people.

All for Christ Philippians 1.22
9 Feb 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

How greatly Paul longed to be with Christ! Do we have such love of the Lord? Here Paul shows how to increase in appreciation of Christ. He also urges believers to Gospel labour, honouring their heavenly citizenship standards (not compromising with the world, as some prescribe).

Christian Thinking Philippians 2
23 Feb 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul shows that to think as a Christian needs the impetus of strong indebtedness to Christ. Urged by this, we can adopt spiritual values, particularly dis-self-esteem, plus outgoing care for others. Then we begin to resemble our Lord, who laid aside Heavenly glory for His people.

23 May 2021
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul describes the personal work of Christ, His divine nature and His eternal attributes. He speaks of His becoming a man and His atoning death. Here are the reasons why He will reign in glory, and precisely what He has achieved for us.

13 Dec 2015
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

To underestimate Christ is the greatest tragedy leading to eternal loss. Here are Christ's attributes and work; His incomparable compassion for souls, His accomplishments, what it means to find and know Him, and why His name is above every earthly name.

The Name Above All Philippians 2.9
2 Mar 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

As God-and-Man Christ is elevated to the highest glory and given a name unutterable on earth, but known in Glory. A strongly uplifting study for believers is to explore this greatest name, not to identify it, but to grasp its significance and wonder.

An Agenda for Holiness Philippians 2.12
9 Mar 2014
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Sanctification involves striving in obedience to God, by His power. Here are key striving texts, and an overview of the four departments of holy, spiritual living for which we are to strive. Here also is the apostle's definition of conscientious effort.