
Sermons on Judges

Heroes of Old Judges 3.12-31
29 May 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The Judges seen through the lens of Hebrews 11 as men of clear faith, not defective men of their time as many erroneously teach today. Here are lessons for us from the Mesopotamian and Moabite oppressions and from the lives of Othniel and Ehud.

5 Jun 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

While the Study Bibles mostly see Barak as a coward, Hebrews 11 shows him to be a hero of faith and achievements. Here is the narrative in this light, with numerous lessons for today including the reasons why several tribes failed to rally to the cause.

12 Jun 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Midianite oppression drives Israel to prayer - and rebuke! Conviction must precede restoration. Gideon by faith seeks divine authority for action. The altar of compromise is destroyed, and further authority sought for war (the fleece). Here are rich lessons, lost if Gideon is thought faithless.

19 Jun 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Gideon's expulsion of the Midianites is an example of a literal event superintended by God to provide an overview of spiritual mission. Here are three disqualifications for instrumentality plus an insight into God's work in minds, and how harmony in the 'church' was preserved.

10 Jul 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The non-cooperation of Succoth, the snare of Gideon's ephod, the fable of Jotham, and the reign of Abimelech the bramble provide lessons on the antagonism of the flesh to spiritual progress, and its longing for human rule, rather than that of the Lord.

17 Jul 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Jephthah, a rare godly man in apostate Israel, is called from exile to defend the typical church. He makes a pious but rash vow and honours it with an obedience matched by his daughter. Not a human sacrifice, of course, but a challenge of commitment. 

11 Sep 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The low view of inspiration that has invaded modern evangelical commentaries and most Study Bibles is never more evident than in their character assassination of Samson. Here is the Bible's own view; here is the vindication of Samson as a Hebrews 11 hero of faith.

5 Jan 2011
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
18 Sep 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The two parts of Samson's life, the time of integrity, power and blessing, and the time of his fall and punishment. Why the upright part is essential to the pastoral message of the passage. Also, the fall, its components and its deep lessons for us.

15 May 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The famous appendix of Judges, speaking of events after Joshua and the elders. Micah and the Danites - a record of astounding syncretism from so-blessed a people, yielding lessons on how we as sincere people may fall into 'double-mindedness', first barely consciously, then fully.