Special Topic

Christian family


All materials are by Dr Peter Masters unless otherwise indicated


Mutual Debts in Marriage

Mutual Debts in Marriage

1 Corinthians 7.3

A key word has slipped out of some modern translations - the marital debt of benevolence, meaning goodwill and kind benefits. Here are seven debts each has to the other in Christian marriage, a sevenfold bond and blessing to the crowning earthly friendship of life's journey, are we paying what is 'due'?


Long-term Resentment in the Young

Long-term Resentment in the Young

It hardly needs to be said that ­­­­parenthood is a tremendous responsibility, and we are very glad of the help we have in the Bible.

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Mutual Debts in Marriage

Mutual Debts in Marriage

Scripture teaches that husbands and wives have dues or debts or obligations to each other which must be paid, and paid with love. The apostle Paul is responding to questions that had been asked him by the church of Corinth. One of the questions evidently was, 'Is it best not to marry?'

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Book: Steps for Guidance

Steps for Guidance

In recent years the subject of how to find God’s guidance has become controversial. Some say that God does not have a specific plan for the lives of his people, but allows us to please ourselves. Others say God’s will is known by dreams, visions, and ‘words of knowledge’.

By contrast with these sadly unbiblical ideas, this book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church. Six essential steps are traced from the Bible, and principles are given on additional practical issues such as possessions and leisure activities; ambition and wealth; joining or leaving a church.

Here is a strong challenge to authentic Christian commitment, with an abundance of pastoral advice. 134 pages, paperback

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