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Steps tab

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Steps tab

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On this tab, you can find the process designer, a tool for designing automation processes using steps.


The process designer consists of a toolbar and a grid. By placing steps from the toolbar onto the grid and connecting them, you form a graph that represents the automation process.


To get acquainted with the process designer, first read On-line marketing guide -> Marketing automation -> Working with process designer.


You can use the following types of steps inside process designer:



Allows delegated users and roles decide whether the process should continue into the next step or not.


Allows users to split the process into two branches based on a condition.


Allows users to specify a set of conditions. If a single condition is met, the process continues in its branch automatically. In case of more matches, the user is allowed to choose.

First win

Allows users to specify a number of conditions. The first condition that is met determines the branch the process continues in.

User choice

Allows users to choose the next step the process continues in.


Allows you to specify the amount of time after which the process continues to the next step.


Represents the end of the process.


You can also embed actions that are automatically performed when reached by the process:


Change contact account

Use to add or remove a contact from an account.

Change contact group

Use to add or remove a contact from a contact group.

Delete contact

Use to delete a contact.

Start process

Use to initiate another process on the object. Note that based on the recurrence setting, this can result in unnecessary instances of the process being run at the same time.

Log custom activity

Use to log custom activity

Send e-mails

Use to send e-mails.

Send newsletter issue

Use to send out a newsletter issue.

Set contact property

Use to change contact property.

Set contact status

Use to change contact status.


Use to subscribe or unsubscribe contacts from newsletter.

Import to Salesforce leads

Replicates the contact into Salesforce as a lead. Note that you need to have Salesforce replication set up to be able to use this action.

Update from

Updated the contact's information with the data found in database. Note that you need to have set up to be able to use this action.


To learn more about adding and configuring individual steps, refer to On-line marketing guide -> Marketing automation -> Working with process designer -> Placing and configuring steps.


Adding steps


To add a step to the process designer, drag it with your mouse from the toolbar onto the grid.


Once you add a step to the grid, configure it by clicking the pencil icon in its top right corner.


Multi-choice steps allow you to create new choices/cases by clicking the plus icon in their top right corner.


Delete a step by clicking it and pressing the Delete key. You can also use the Delete button in the top right corner of the step, or select the step and click Delete in the toolbar.


Connecting steps


When you place the steps onto the grid, connect them together. To do so, drag the source point from the first step to the second one.


To change a connection, select it by dragging any of the end points to another step.


To delete a connection, click it and press the Delete key or click Delete in the toolbar.