Dr E S Williams

Christ or Therapy? - For Depression & Life's Troubles

It is not widely realised that there is an irreconcilable difference between the remedies for sadness and grief set out in the Bible, and those put forward by the world of psychotherapy. A gulf also exists between the biblical policy for marriage, and that proposed by secular marriage guidance psychologists. Many well-known evangelical authors and churches, however, have turned entirely to the secular remedies and policies in these matters.

This book shows what the differences are, including a remarkable review of depression in the Bible, and its relief.



The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

It is amazing how rapidly the Christian counselling movement has spread through churches in the UK, teaching that hurts and depressions once considered part of normal life are illnesses to be treated. It implies that for 1900 years the Bible has been insufficient for the woes of God’s people, or for their sanctification, but that now we have the ‘insights’ of anti-Christian psychologists to make good the deficit.

In this book medical doctor Ted Williams challenges these claims, giving the most clear-cut and interesting overview of the counselling movement and of the giants of secular psychology who are pillars of its ‘faith’.


The New Calvinists - Changing the Gospel

Enmity between the church and the world dates from the Fall of man, so God says in Genesis 3.15. Satan's major strategy is the overthrow of the church by the world, through infiltration and contamination.

But seldom has this battle reached the proportions of this present hour, when worldliness threatens every believer and church.

This book reveals the new 'gospel' of the so-called 'new Calvinism'. It is a gospel that changes the terms of salvation, and that loves the world and embraces its culture.

Here are the objectives of the new Calvinists, taken from their own words.


What is Going on in Christian Crisis Pregnancy Counselling?

We hear of very many expectant mothers seeking abortion advice, including girls under sixteen. Dr Ted Williams, a medical doctor of long experience, and a noted specialist in the public health field, shows that Christian counselling centres have adopted a deeply compromised approach which provides non-judgemental advice that leaves in place the option of abortion.

This book will not only inform and warn, but will focus the aims of pastors and all other Christians when they are called upon to extend help to expectant mothers thinking about abortion.