Books by Dr Masters

Published by Wakeman Trust and available from Tabernacle Bookshop

All royalties go to Christian causes

Book: Hallmarks of Christian Character

Hallmarks of Christian Character

Here are great themes for the Christian life, combining devotional, encouraging and practical views of the distinctive characteristics, aims and way of thinking of sincere believers. Beginning with the foundation of humility, these pages show the strong sense of pilgrimage shared by true Christians, their outgoing helpfulness, their sense of closeness to God, their attitude to serving the Lord, their happiness and their access to the power of the Spirit.


Table of Contents

1. The Clothing of Humility
2. Pursuing Positive Covetousness
3. Embracing the Pilgrim Concept
4. Sanctifying Power
5. Aspirations of Christian Service
6. Christian Mutual Helpfulness
7. The Defeat of Talebearing
8. Closeness to God
9. Spiritual Happiness
10. Walking in the Spirit


Author: Peter Masters
ISBN 978-1-908919-80-9
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Binding: Paperback

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Book: Heritage of Evidence

Heritage of Evidence

In today’s atheistic climate most people have no idea how much powerful evidence exists for the literal accuracy and authenticity of the biblical record. The British Museum holds a huge number of major discoveries that provide direct corroboration and background confirmation for an immense sweep of Bible history.

This survey of Bible-authenticating exhibits has been designed as a guide for visitors, and also to give pleasure and interest to readers unable to tour the galleries. It will also be most suitable for people who need to see the accuracy and inspiration of the Bible. This latest edition has been revised to keep pace with museum changes.


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Book: Worship or Entertainment?

Worship or Entertainment?

Dr Peter Masters

Where will your church be five or ten years from now? – asks the author. With the adoption of contemporary music worship many have already changed beyond recognition. Yet more will do so.

Here are four essential principles which Jesus Christ laid down for worship, and by which every new idea must be judged.

Here also is a fascinating view of how they worshipped in Bible times, including their rules for the use of instruments, and the question is answered – What does the Bible teach about the content and order of a service of worship today?

1    Is it Worship or Entertainment?
2    Three Broken Principles:
      I – Spiritual or Aesthetic Worship?
3    II – Rational or Ecstatic Worship?
4    III – Sacred or Profane Worship?
5    Let the Lord Define Worship
6    Brass, Strings and Percussion?
7    Services of Worship in the Bible
8    What Really Happened at Corinth?
9    Why Raise Hands?
10 Why Sing Hymns?
11 Seven Standards for Worthy Hymns
12 Reverence Begins in the Place of Worship
13 Forfeiting the Soul of Evangelicalism
Appendix: More on Biblical Musical Instruments

Publisher: The Wakeman Trust
Pages: 100
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978 1 913133 05 4

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Book: Men of Purpose

Men of Purpose

A book to enrich the programme and devotions of homeschoolers, and a challenge and inspiration for young people for over 30 years. With many illustrations, it presents the lives of pioneer scientists along with historical and unique figures, each providing a powerful testimony to the saving grace of God. Here is an insight into the experiences and achievements of outstanding Christians and their times.

Strongly recommended by the late Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones, here is a collection of 11 outstanding testimonies to illustrate and enrich messages for years to come.

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Book: The Charismatic Illusion

The Charismatic Illusion

Peter Masters & John C. Whitcomb

Expanded revision of the Charismatic Phenomenon (1982) with answers to questions.

Now with more answers to questions asked by people investigating the arguments, this veteran book contends for the biblical position on the gifts that prevailed for nearly 2,000 years before the charismatic movement came along.

Here is the dynamic teaching of the Spirit that sustained true churches and believers through dark and bright years of history, through the Reformation, through the Puritan era, through the time of great Confessions of Faith, through repeated awakenings and revivals, and through the worldwide growth of the modern missionary movement.

Here is the case for authentic biblical spiritual life.

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Book: Men of Destiny

Men of Destiny

Here are the lives of fourteen remarkable people having in common a personal spiritual experience which changed and moulded them.

Given to unconverted people, these biographies challenge the heart and open the way to further spiritual influence.

For the preacher, youth leader or Sunday School teacher, they provide outstanding testimonies to illustrate and enrich messages for years to come.

Watch short videos of the biographies.

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Book: Missionary Triumph Over Slavery

Missionary Triumph Over Slavery

We are being told today that Christian missionaries of the past were tools of colonial oppression and destroyers of culture. For this reason Christianity is called a ‘white man’s religion’, best shunned by Afro-Caribbean and Asian people.

The story of missionary William Knibb shows how wildly wrong this is. Persecuted by British rulers in Jamaica because he opposed settlers’ abuses, he was pivotal in swinging British public opinion behind legislation to end colonial slavery.

This is the true story of valiant missionary work covering the emancipation of slaves and the great Jamaican Awakening. 

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Book: Not Like Any Other Book

Not Like Any Other Book

Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, traditional and proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly.

A new approach to interpretation has also gripped many evangelical seminaries and Bible colleges, an approach based on the ideas of unbelieving critics, stripping the Bible of God's message, and leaving pastors impoverished in their preaching.

This book reveals what is happening, providing many brief examples of right and wrong interpretation. The author shows that the Bible includes its own rules of interpretation, and every believer should know what these are.

Also available in Spanish.


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Book: The Personal Spiritual Life

The Personal Spiritual Life

Dr Peter Masters

From the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit to living a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually.

In what sense may we ‘feel’ the presence of the Lord? What was the apostle Paul’s method for progress in holiness? How may we identify our spiritual gifts? And how may we count more for the Lord, and sustain spiritual joy? These are among the themes of this tonic for present-day disciples of Christ.

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Book: Faith, Doubts, Trials and Assurance

Faith, Doubts, Trials and Assurance

Ongoing faith is essential for answered prayer, effective service, spiritual stability and real communion with God. This book answers many questions about faith, such as: How may we assess the state of our faith? How can faith be strengthened? What are the most dangerous doubts? How should difficult doubts be handled? What is the biblical attitude to trials? How can we tell if troubles are intended to chastise or to refine? What can be done to obtain assurance? Can a believer commit the unpardonable sin? Exactly how is the Lord's presence felt?

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Book: The Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Dr Peter Masters

Is there a second blessing or baptism of the Spirit after conversion? Is the believer meant to struggle against sin, or does the Spirit sanctify by grace? What is the witness of the Spirit? And what is meant by the filling of the Spirit? Here are answers to all such questions with ‘proof texts’.

Ideal for all, especially new believers and study groups.

A revised version of Only One Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1994).

1  When is a Believer Baptised With the Spirit?
2  Is a Second Baptism Needed for Assurance?
3  How Does the Spirit Witness With Our Spirit?
4  The Spirit of Holiness
5  Attending the Wrong Classroom
6  Are We to Fight Sin?
7  Must We be Emptied or Broken?
8  The Filling of the Spirit
9  The Spirit’s Way
10 A Baptism of Bliss?
11  The Case of the Ephesus Twelve

Author: Peter Masters
ISBN: 978 1 908919 91 5
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 86


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Book: Physicians of Souls

Physicians of Souls

'Compelling, convicting, persuasive preaching, revealing God's mercy and redemption to dying souls, is seldom heard today. The noblest art ever granted to our fallen human race has almost disappeared.'

Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author. These pages tackle the inhibitions, theological and practical, and provide powerful encouragement for physicians of souls to preach the Gospel.

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Book: The Healing Epidemic

The Healing Epidemic

Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today.

He also proves that the conscious mind should always be switched on for spiritual activities. Included is a brilliant assessment of miraculous healing by a leading British medical professor.

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Book: God's Rules for Holiness

God's Rules for Holiness

Taken at face value the Ten Commandments are binding on all people, and will guard the way to Heaven, so that evil will never spoil its glory and purity. But the Commandments are far greater than their surface meaning, as this book shows.

They challenge us as Christians on a still wider range of sinful deeds and attitudes. They provide positive virtues as goals. And they give immense help for staying close to the Lord in our walk and worship.

The Commandments are vital for godly living and for greater blessing, but we need to enter into the panoramic view they provide of the standards and goals for redeemed people.

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Book: The Lord's Pattern for Prayer

The Lord's Pattern for Prayer

This volume is almost a manual on prayer, providing a real spur to the devotional life. The Lord's own plan and agenda for prayer - carefully amplified - takes us into the presence of the Father, to prove the privileges and power of God's promises to those who pray.

Chapters cover each petition of the Lord's Prayer. Here, too, are sections on remedies for problems in prayer, how to intercede for others, the reasons why God keeps us waiting for answers, and the nature of the prayer of faith.

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Book: Paul's Ten Point Design for Church Health and Growth

Paul's Ten Point Design for Church Health and Growth

Dr Peter Masters

What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? The apostle Paul had a very definite policy, and called it his 'purpose', using a Greek word which means – a plan or strategy displayed for all to see. This book sets out ten policy ideals, gleaned from Paul's teaching, all of which are essential for the health and growth of a congregation today.

A new revised edition of Do We Have a Policy? (2002)


Table of Contents
'Prothesis' - Paul's Blueprint
Policy 1: A Worshipping Church
Policy 2: A Praying Church
Policy 3: A Sanctified Church
Policy 4: A Working Church
Policy 5: A Learning Church
Policy 6: An Evangelistic Church
Policy 7: A Separated Church
Policy 8: A Sacrificial Church
Policy 9: A Loving Church
Policy 10: A Believing Church

Author: Peter Masters
ISBN: 978 1 908919 99 1
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 84
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Book: Compassion for Souls

Compassion for Souls

Dr Peter Masters

It is amazing how much detailed and practical guidance is stored in the Gospels and the Book of Acts for all who engage in personal witness and preaching. Are we aware that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbeliever, and that these may be studied and employed? Also the Lord regularly used several 'techniques' for opening the minds of listeners. 

Discover in this book how to approach and reason as the Lord did with spiritually ignorant and indifferent people, or with those who are self-righteous, or self-interest, or lost in atheism. 

Here is an inspiration to all to study the biblical craft of personal witness. 

Extracts from this book: 

Those who have compassion for souls hear the words of the Lord's great commission ringing in their ears, and long to see the Gospel of redeeming love spread to those around them. This book points to the Gospels and the Book of Acts as the greatest source of detailed and practical guidance for a life of witness. 

Are we aware, for example, that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbeliever, and that these may be studied and copied? The Lord distinguished very clearly between people who were indifferent to their spiritual state, and those who were self-righteous, using quite different approaches to each group. It is not difficult to identify these distinctive methods of Gospel presentation in the preaching and witness of both Christ and his apostles. In addition, the Lord regularly employed several 'techniques' for opening the minds of all listeners. Our Lord is not only a perfect Saviour and teacher, but a perfect example to us in all matters, and we must recognise and study the great wisdom of his methods.

Table of contents: 

1. Inspiring and Maintaining Personal Witness
2. God Really Does Use Instruments
3. Touching the Raw Nerve
4. Strategies for Different Kinds of Unbeliever
5. The Ignorant and Indifferent Person 
6. The Self-Righteous Person
7. The Self-Interested Person 
8. The Convinced Atheist 
9. Prepared for Questions 

Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Price: £5.95

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Book: Steps for Guidance

Steps for Guidance

In recent years the subject of how to find God’s guidance has become controversial. Some say that God does not have a specific plan for the lives of his people, but allows us to please ourselves. Others say God’s will is known by dreams, visions, and ‘words of knowledge’.

By contrast with these sadly unbiblical ideas, this book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church. Six essential steps are traced from the Bible, and principles are given on additional practical issues such as possessions and leisure activities; ambition and wealth; joining or leaving a church.

Here is a strong challenge to authentic Christian commitment, with an abundance of pastoral advice. 134 pages, paperback

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Book: The Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689

The Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689

Peter Masters (Editor)

C. H. Spurgeon said of this great Confession – "Here the youngest members of our church will have a body of Truth in small compass, and by means of the scriptural proofs, will be able to give a reason of the hope that is in them."

This brilliant summary of doctrine (in the same family as the Westminster Confession), with its invaluable proof texts, is here gently modernised in punctuation, with archaic words replaced. Explanations of difficult phrases have been added in italic brackets. A brief history of the Confession is included.


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Book: Joshua's Conquest

Joshua's Conquest

Joshua's Conquest is a book for reading, rather than a commentary, but in order to relate the material to the Book of Joshua, chapter and verse references are shown throughout.

Not all of Joshua is covered (such as the allocation of the land) and little attention is given to the geography of the battles, because Dr Masters' aim is to bring out the spiritual message for today, and to explain the 'problem' portions and passages which evoke questions on, for example, the morality of so much killing, and the apparent responsibility of God in hardening the hearts of the Canaanites.

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Book: The Faith

The Faith

This is a popular, non-technical sweep through key themes of the Christian faith, highlighting very many inspiring and enlivening points. It often takes an oblique and unusual approach to a topic in order to bring out the full wonder and significance.

It is designed to be enjoyed by seasoned Christians, and also by all who want to explore the great features of the faith, and discover the life of the soul.


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Book: The Mutual Love of Christ and His People

The Mutual Love of Christ and His People

The courtship of the Song of Solomon provides fascinating scenes and events designed to show the love of Christ for His redeemed people, and theirs for Him. Here, also, are lessons for Christians when they become cold or backslidden, showing the way to recover Christ's presence in their lives.

Prophecies of Christ abound in the Song, together with views of the bride's destiny, as she prepares to cross the mountains into eternal glory, where the greatest wedding of all will take place.

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Book: Church Membership in the Bible

Church Membership in the Bible

Christ has designed a ‘home’ or family for his people, described in these pages as an accomplishment of divine genius. This is a magnificent subject, vital to spiritual growth and blessing and also to our service for the Saviour.

This book answers many questions about churches and church membership in New Testament times. Next to having a real walk with Christ and knowing the doctrines of the faith, membership of a good church has a powerful formative influence on the believer’s life.

Also available in Spanish.

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Book: World Dominion

World Dominion

Reconstructionism is a movement among evangelical Christians which claims that, alongside evangelism, Christians have a mandate to secure dominion over the world, bringing all governments and social institutions under the authority of the civil law of Moses.

This book describes the movement and its prime movers, pointing out the fundamental mistakes which have led these thinkers to espouse ideas so greatly out of line with mainstream evangelicalism.

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Book: Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship

Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship

Peter Masters (Compiler)

This collection of metrical psalms and hymns was inspired by the spiritual riches of Our Own Hymn Book, compiled by C.H. Spurgeon in 1866, and once widely used among Particular Baptist Churches – especially causes pastored by Spurgeon's numerous students.  Although this is an entirely new hymnal, the link with Our Own Hymn Book is emphasised because the ethos and design of that outstanding collection has been keenly imitated, though in modern context.

This book begins with an evangelical psalter  'Spirit of the Psalms' (the first 150 hymn numbers correspond to the 150 psalms of the Bible)  followed by 591 carefully selected hymns.


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Book: Vanity of Vanities

Vanity of Vanities

Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable, unless people seek and find the Lord God, and know His power and guidance in their lives.

ISBN 9781899046133

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

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Book: The Goal of Brotherly Love

The Goal of Brotherly Love

Brotherly love 'is something far higher and deeper than church rambles and other organised friendship activities, useful as these may be,' writes the author. The great goal is philadelphia love, a New Testament term indicating 'a depth and tenacity of love equal to the love of a blood tie.'

Why is such a strong term used? What is the scope of mutual affection and loyalty, required in Scripture? When does love become inappropriate - even a vice? What obstructs and hinders brotherly love? And what are the steps we must take in order to promote and preserve it?

Here is an illuminating and searching treatment of a topic vital to the holiness and happiness of all Christians and churches.

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Book: The Purposes of the Lord's Supper

The Purposes of the Lord's Supper

The Saviour calls His people to observe His Supper regularly. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord's Supper means? Here are nine purposes behind the Lord's Supper, providing a rich basis for thought and prayer at the Table of the Lord.

ISBN 9781899046096

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Book: When to Stand Apart

When to Stand Apart

Dr Peter Masters

It is clearly a vital duty of Christians to stand apart from false teachers who deny the fundamentals of the faith. Many scriptures make this plain. But what about so-called 'secondary separation', meaning separation from believers who continue to walk closely with heretics and wrongdoers? And what about preachers who curse, or promote extreme worldliness, yet who claim to be saved?

Here is guidance through a minefield of problems today, with help on the use of love, charity and discretion in applying the doctrine of separation.

Extract from booklet

It is clearly a vital duty of Christians to stand apart from false teachers who deny the fundamentals of the faith. 'Do not be mixed up with them,' says the apostle Paul (see 2 Corinthians 6.14), 'Do not associate.' Full Bible references are listed at the end of this booklet. This duty has become known as the doctrine of separation.

However, there are Bible-believing ministers and congregations who belong to apostate denominations, where people who reject the true Gospel constitute the overwhelming majority, as in the Church of England, or the Baptist Union. Sometimes evangelical ministers and clergy in these denominations can function in a rather 'independent' way, but more usually they cooperate with denominational leaders and colleagues who deny the fundamentals of the faith. In so doing, they ignore and repudiate the clear duty of biblical separation. They recognise and work with those whom the Lord called 'wolves in sheep's clothing'. The question arises - how should evangelicals who obey God's call to stand apart treat fellow-evangelicals who refuse to do so? Should they maintain full fellowship, or stand apart from those who disobey? The latter is called secondary separation.

Publisher: Sword & Trowel
Price: 0.50

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Book: Your Reasonable Service

Your Reasonable Service

It is a sad fact that many Bible-believing Christians do not engage in any real service for the Lord. They loyally attend meetings for worship and ministry, and often give generous financial support, but they do very little. This booklet focuses on the strong terms of exhortation to Christian service found in the New Testament.

ISBN 9781899046089

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Book: Christian Stewardship

Christian Stewardship

This booklet presents biblical principles under a series of helpful headings. All the main questions about stewardship are answered, as the author draws Christians into the full blessing of belonging to the Lord.

ISBN 9781899046362

Also available in Spanish.

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Book: Stand for the Truth

Stand for the Truth

This booklet gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, and shows the positive value of this. Ten commonly-heard arguments in defence of 'inclusivism' (co-operating in Bible-denying denominations, or with false teachers in evangelism, etc) are answered.

ISBN 9781899046119

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Book: How to Seek and Find the Lord

How to Seek and Find the Lord

This is for people who want to find the Lord. The author shows that finding God is not a vague matter, for there is a definite way of salvation provided by God, and revealed in the Bible. Responding to this message leads to conversion - a great change which brings a person to know and relate to the living God.

ISBN 9781899046027

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

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Book: Baptism


The Lord insists on baptism. Why? Here is the fourfold pictorial message of baptism intended by God for the believer, the church, and the world. And here also are the biblical reasons why baptism is for believers only, by immersion.

ISBN 9781899046010

Also available in Spanish.

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Book: Seven Certain Signs

Seven Certain Signs

Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? Or how can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker or inquirer? This is a guide to the marks of true conversion.

ISBN 9781899046058

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

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Book: Proving charismatic gifts have ceased

Proving charismatic gifts have ceased

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? Can cessationism (the view that they have ended) be proved? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God. Here are the six main reasons why we may be sure that apostles, prophets and their unique authenticating signs fulfilled their purpose in Bible times.

15 pages, booklet,  ISBN 978 1 899046 40 9

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Book: Remember the Lord’s Day

Remember the Lord’s Day

Why was the sabbath day instituted by the Lord, and does it continue now as the Lord’s Day? If so, in what way has it changed with the coming of Christ? How should it be kept? This booklet responds to these and other questions, showing that the sabbath principle is still God’s will for believers today, and listing its purposes and blessings.

ISBN 9781899046324

Also available in Spanish.

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Book: The Power of Prayer Meetings

The Power of Prayer Meetings

Dr Peter Masters

Why does the Lord want believers to pray together? Will an undersized prayer meeting really blight the work of a church? What form should the prayer meeting ideally take? What should be the style and content of prayer?

ISBN 9781899046102

Also available in Spanish.

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Book: Should Christians Drink?

Should Christians Drink?

What are the biblical arguments which have convinced the majority of Bible believers during the last two centuries that the Lord wants His people to abstain? Are alcoholic drinks right or wrong for a Christian? Why should something ‘right’ for Old Testament Israelites be ‘wrong’ for Christ’s church? What are the differences between the wines of Bible times and those of today? All who seek to honour Christ and be blessed in His service will want to consider the case set out in this booklet for abstinence. 

ISBN 9781899046379

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Book: The Rebellious Years - The Need for Self-Understanding

The Rebellious Years - The Need for Self-Understanding

This booklet is intended to help readers from mid-teenage to late twenties to understand the source of the inner rebellion that urges us all away from God in the 'second quarter' of life. Do we understand this strong urge to independence and unbelief - this battle of mind and soul?

ISBN 9781899046041

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Book: What you should know about your conscience

What you should know about your conscience

What is the mysterious faculty of conscience, and how does it function? What happens when it is abused, or attempts are made to reprogramme it? Can it cause psychosomatic illness? Here are all the vital facts, together with the only effective way of unburdening the hurting conscience.

ISBN 9781899046065

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Book: A Seeker's Problems

A Seeker's Problems

This booklet answers ten problems encountered by serious seekers. These are not questions or doubts about the faith, but personal hindrances in approaching Christ, by faith. Many seekers have been helped by the advice given here.

ISBN 9781899046249
Also available in Spanish.


Extract from this booklet

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you’

(Luke 11.9).

The purpose of this booklet is to help those who desire Christian conversion, but have run into difficulties. Perhaps you are, or have been, an earnest seeker, but you have a problem which prevents you from going to the Saviour in ­repentance, and trusting in Him for salvation. Or perhaps you have prayed for forgiveness and new life but there has been no answer to that prayer, and now you have left off trying. Various problems trouble and delay seekers, and here are some that are commonly raisedyours may be among them. The answer to the first problem will include guidelines for repentance.

1 ‘I cannot repent, because I am not sufficiently ashamed of my sins. I do not feel my sinfulness enough.’

Seekers often gain the impression that they must be in deep distress about all their sins to ‘qualify’ for forgiveness, but the Lord does not actually ask for a painful degree of emotional anguish. As long as genuine regret, self-condemnation and hatred of sin are firmly in your head, you can sincerely repent. It is true that some seekers do feel an extremely deep sense of emotional sorrow when they first repent, but not all. Many who are genuinely repentant have a clear mental awareness of their sinfulness, but for them deeper feelings will come later. If you have been made aware of your lost and sinful condition, and you know you deserve condemnation, then turn to the Lord and repent. The Word of God tells us, ‘They shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn’ (Zechariah 12.10). In other words, as the seeker sincerely ­repents and trusts the Saviour, and as he realises how much the Lord suffered on Calvary to bear the agonising punishment of his sin (ie: as he looks upon the Lord Whom he has pierced), then often his feelings come more to life and his heart melts in shame and gratitude to Christ for what He has done.



1 ‘I cannot repent, because I am not sufficiently ashamed of my sins.’
2 ‘I wish I could repent, but sometimes my heart is too hard.’ 
3 ‘I cannot turn to Christ yet, because I am not good enough.’ 
4 ‘I have repeatedly prayed for salvation, but so far nothing seems to have happened.’ 
5 ‘I want to be a Christian, but I think the Christian life is too hard and I will have to give up too much.’
6 ‘I cannot repent and be converted because I have gone too far into sin.’ 
7 ‘I cannot find Christ because of my doubts, and because I cannot understand everything in the Bible.’ 
8 ‘I cannot trust the Gospel and turn to Christ, because the biblical way of salvation seems too easy.’ 
9 ‘I cannot be converted because I think I have left it too late.’ 
10 ‘I cannot be converted because I do not think that my prayers will be ­answered by God.’

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