Booklets by Dr Masters

Published by Sword & Trowel and available from Tabernacle Bookshop

Vanity of Vanities

Presents the experience of King Solomon, who experimented with every conceivable kind of pleasure, and concluded that life is pointless and predictable, unless people seek and find the Lord God, and know His power and guidance in their lives.

ISBN 9781899046133

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.


The Goal of Brotherly Love

Brotherly love 'is something far higher and deeper than church rambles and other organised friendship activities, useful as these may be,' writes the author. The great goal is philadelphia love, a New Testament term indicating 'a depth and tenacity of love equal to the love of a blood tie.'

Why is such a strong term used? What is the scope of mutual affection and loyalty, required in Scripture? When does love become inappropriate - even a vice? What obstructs and hinders brotherly love? And what are the steps we must take in order to promote and preserve it?

Here is an illuminating and searching treatment of a topic vital to the holiness and happiness of all Christians and churches.


The Purposes of the Lord's Supper

The Saviour calls His people to observe His Supper regularly. But do we have a clear awareness of all that the Lord's Supper means? Here are nine purposes behind the Lord's Supper, providing a rich basis for thought and prayer at the Table of the Lord.

ISBN 9781899046096


When to Stand Apart

It is clearly a vital duty of Christians to stand apart from false teachers who deny the fundamentals of the faith. Many scriptures make this plain. But what about so-called 'secondary separation', meaning separation from believers who continue to walk closely with heretics and wrongdoers? And what about preachers who curse, or promote extreme worldliness, yet who claim to be saved?

Here is guidance through a minefield of problems today, with help on the use of love, charity and discretion in applying the doctrine of separation.

Extract from booklet

It is clearly a vital duty of Christians to stand apart from false teachers who deny the fundamentals of the faith. 'Do not be mixed up with them,' says the apostle Paul (see 2 Corinthians 6.14), 'Do not associate.' Full Bible references are listed at the end of this booklet. This duty has become known as the doctrine of separation.

However, there are Bible-believing ministers and congregations who belong to apostate denominations, where people who reject the true Gospel constitute the overwhelming majority, as in the Church of England, or the Baptist Union. Sometimes evangelical ministers and clergy in these denominations can function in a rather 'independent' way, but more usually they cooperate with denominational leaders and colleagues who deny the fundamentals of the faith. In so doing, they ignore and repudiate the clear duty of biblical separation. They recognise and work with those whom the Lord called 'wolves in sheep's clothing'. The question arises - how should evangelicals who obey God's call to stand apart treat fellow-evangelicals who refuse to do so? Should they maintain full fellowship, or stand apart from those who disobey? The latter is called secondary separation.

Publisher: Sword & Trowel
Price: 0.50


Your Reasonable Service - in the Lord's Work

It is a sad fact that many Bible-believing Christians do not engage in any real service for the Lord. They loyally attend meetings for worship and ministry, and often give generous financial support, but they do very little. This booklet focuses on the strong terms of exhortation to Christian service found in the New Testament.

ISBN 9781899046089


Christian Stewardship - Our Calling

This booklet presents biblical principles under a series of helpful headings. All the main questions about stewardship are answered, as the author draws Christians into the full blessing of belonging to the Lord.

ISBN 9781899046362

Also available in Spanish.