Books by Other Authors

Published by Wakeman Trust and available from Tabernacle Bookshop

Book: Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship (Music Edition)

Psalms & Hymns of Reformed Worship (Music Edition)

Christopher Laws (Editor)

472 tunes including the best-loved compositions of the past, many new tunes, and fresh arrangements of some excellent `lost' tunes. Over 100 tunes will not be found in other British tune books in current use. The chief intention of this selection is to present tunes that are melodic, memorable, and consistent with intelligent worship. Tunes are in metrical categories, in alphabetical order of name. (Music only, without words.)

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Book: Worthy the Lamb

Worthy the Lamb

Christopher Laws

A quality hardback with 53 recently-composed hymn tunes. The majority have been tried in the Metropolitan Tabernacle services, before being adopted into regular worship. Acceptance (or otherwise) by the large, multi-national ­congregation (rather than an editorial committee) has steered the project.

As Dr Peter Masters comments in his foreword, ‘In my view, these compositions ideally carry the sentiments of strong traditional-genre hymns, and all possess their own distinctive and memorable theme melody. I do not think that there is any other composer of traditional hymn music over the... Read more

Book: Christ or Therapy?

Christ or Therapy?

Dr E S Williams

It is not widely realised that there is an irreconcilable difference between the remedies for sadness and grief set out in the Bible, and those put forward by the world of psychotherapy. A gulf also exists between the biblical policy for marriage, and that proposed by secular marriage guidance psychologists. Many well-known evangelical authors and churches, however, have turned entirely to the secular remedies and policies in these matters.

This book shows what the differences are, including a remarkable review of depression in the Bible, and its relief.Read more

Book: The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

The Dark Side of Christian Counselling

Dr E S Williams

It is amazing how rapidly the Christian counselling movement has spread through churches in the UK, teaching that hurts and depressions once considered part of normal life are illnesses to be treated. It implies that for 1900 years the Bible has been insufficient for the woes of God’s people, or for their sanctification, but that now we have the ‘insights’ of anti-Christian psychologists to make good the deficit.

In this book medical doctor Ted Williams challenges these claims, giving the most clear-cut and interesting overview of the counselling... Read more

Book: The New Calvinists

The New Calvinists

Dr E S Williams

Enmity between the church and the world dates from the Fall of man, so God says in Genesis 3.15. Satan's major strategy is the overthrow of the church by the world, through infiltration and contamination.

But seldom has this battle reached the proportions of this present hour, when worldliness threatens every believer and church.Read more

Book: What is Going on in Christian Crisis Pregnancy Counselling?

What is Going on in Christian Crisis Pregnancy Counselling?

Dr E S Williams

We hear of very many expectant mothers seeking abortion advice, including girls under sixteen. Dr Ted Williams, a medical doctor of long experience, and a noted specialist in the public health field, shows that Christian counselling centres have adopted a deeply compromised approach which provides non-judgemental advice that leaves in place the option of abortion.

This book will not only inform and warn, but will focus the aims of pastors and all other Christians when they are called upon to extend help to... Read more

Book: George Whitefield

George Whitefield

Arnold Dallimore

This outstanding work is now back in print and we would encourage all customers to consider it for their own reading and as a gift to others. Dr Dallimore is beyond doubt the leading modern authority on the life of Whitefield. He writes with a full command of his subject, and also with great warmth. This is the condensed edition of his renowned two-volume work.

Book: Gleanings in Genesis

Gleanings in Genesis

A W Pink

A W Pink (1886-1952) has come to be regarded as one of the giants of expository writing. His printed ministry began in 1922 with a small-circulation magazine, Studies in the Scriptures. After his death these studies were issued as books by major Christian publishers, becoming immensely popular both with preachers and devotional readers.

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Book: Gleanings from Elisha

Gleanings from Elisha

A W Pink

A W Pink (1886-1952) has come to be regarded as one of the giants of expository writing. His printed ministry began in 1922 with a small-circulation magazine, Studies in the Scriptures. After his death these studies were issued as books by major Christian publishers, becoming immensely popular both with preachers and devotional readers.

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Book: The Life of David (Volume 1)

The Life of David (Volume 1)

A.W. Pink

A W Pink (1886-1952) has come to be regarded as one of the giants of expository writing. His printed ministry began in 1922 with a small-circulation magazine, Studies in the Scriptures. After his death these studies were issued as books by major Christian publishers, becoming immensely popular both with preachers and devotional readers.
Having held a number of pastorates, A W Pink possessed a powerful grasp of pastoral writing. All his works reflect his deep understanding of the operation of Scripture and the hermeneutical science of the Puritans. His sympathetic handling of characters and events, and his surefooted skill in applying... Read more

Book: The Life of David (Volume 2)

The Life of David (Volume 2)

A.W. Pink

A W Pink (1886-1952) has come to be regarded as one of the giants of expository writing. His printed ministry began in 1922 with a small-circulation magazine, Studies in the Scriptures. After his death these studies were issued as books by major Christian publishers, becoming immensely popular both with preachers and devotional readers.
Having held a number of pastorates, A W Pink possessed a powerful grasp of pastoral writing. All his works reflect his deep understanding of the operation of Scripture and the hermeneutical science of the Puritans. His sympathetic handling of characters and events, and his surefooted skill in applying... Read more

Book: Contending for the Faith

Contending for the Faith

David Fountain

What lay behind the dramatic collapse into modernism of the main Nonconformist denominations of England in the space of less than seventy years?

This unique book presents the remarkable life of E J Poole-Connor, a major preacher whose ministry spanned this most turbulent period of British church life, from the time of Spurgeon to the 1960s, and who brilliantly recorded its events.Read more

Book: Reformed Dogmatics

Reformed Dogmatics

Heinrich Heppe

Truly vital for ministers and lovers of doctrine. This renowned collection of the writings of the key Reformers of the 16th century and the scholarship of the 17th was first issued by Heppe, a German Reformed theologian and historian, in 1861. It was first issued in this English translation by G T Thomson in 1950.

This will give the possessor erudition which would take a lifetime to acquire. 'All the written sources I could lay hands on,' wrote Heppe, 'I have carefully researched and compared, in order to transmit the thought brought to light by the representatives of Reformed orthodoxy.' Read more

Book: Sacrifice


Howard Guinness

How much we need the challenging call of Howard Guinness’s Sacrifice! Only this level of commitment will take us through life’s journey used by God, and rejoicing in his power and love.

Howard Guinness was a true soulwinner in the steps of his grandfather Henry Grattan Guinness, a leading preacher of the 19th-century revival. From his time as a medical student at Bart’s, London, through his years as a worldwide student evangelist, and during his long ministry in Sydney, Dr Guinness... Read more

Book: God's Love for Muslims

God's Love for Muslims

Ibrahim Ag Mohamed

This enlightening manual on reaching Muslims for Christ is presented in three sections:

The Muslim Faith, What Muslims Believe about the Christian Faith, and How to Help Muslims.

Full of vital information, it is at the same time a real 'page turner'.Read more

Book: Israel in Prophecy

Israel in Prophecy

William Hendriksen

For many years now this little book has been gold dust, being both rare and precious. Originally penned in the 1950s it presents the outstanding commentator’s answers to some of the most important questions for Bible students, namely:
Are the ‘restoration of the Jews’ promises being fulfilled today?
Is God finished with the Jews?
What is meant by Israel?

Book: Half Hours with William Hendriksen

Half Hours with William Hendriksen

William Hendriksen

Stirring, heart-warming devotional surveys from a renowned Bible commentator who excelled in ‘combining quality of scholarship with simplicity of expression’.

As great examples of ‘the art of taking sublime truths and helping people feel them in their hearts’, these surveys will greatly reward all who love the infallible Word of God.Read more

Book: The Bible on the Life Hereafter

The Bible on the Life Hereafter

William Hendriksen

The very best short book on the afterlife, Heaven, the Lord’s return, and all related issues. It consists of numerous three or four-page chapters, each answering a common question such as, ‘Shall we know one another in Heaven?’ and, ‘What is the millennium?’ It is ideal also for giving to bereaved Christians.
Included is the most superb explanation of Revelation 20 to be found. This is a ‘model’ in communication from a master of the craft!
[Dr William Hendriksen (1900-1982) served for many years as a pastor and semin­ary professor, and is the author of one of the best-known... Read more

Book: William Carey

William Carey

S Pearce Carey

A beautifully-produced biography of the ‘father of modern missions’. Pearce Carey’s compelling pages convey the very atmosphere of that extraordinary period of missionary advance. This life of Carey is structured around a series of remarkable events, always unplanned and unexpected, which opened the way to undreamed of achievements. Carey and his colleagues overcame mountainous obstacles to become the most productive church planters and Bible translators of all time. No other work compares with this moving treatment.Read more

Book: Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey

Jay Adams

This is a truly remarkable little gem adopting a brisk, word-by-word style of comment, and sparkling with fresh and challenging information. Some commentaries make the inspired writer say the same thing over and over again. They do not spot the distinctive pieces of counsel in each verse, or the deeper points.

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Book: Probing Heaven

Probing Heaven

John Gilmore

This is certainly our favourite book on Heaven and the afterlife. In a clear and rich manner the author deals with questions ranging from the location and nature of Heaven, the occupation of the saints, and the presence of humour, to the existence of Heaven and issues such as rewards, equality, growth, ownership, memory and recognition. From the pen of a reformed pastor in Cincinnati, this has passed through four best-selling editions. In a compelling manner Dr Gilmore also presents the amillenial case. The author has a relaxed and easy style, and includes very many thought-provoking reflections. A first-rate study, stirring anticipation, and definitely a suggestive book for preachers.Read more

Book: The Visions of Ezekiel

The Visions of Ezekiel

Patrick Fairbairn

Since its issue over 100 years ago, this has been regarded by the evangelical world as a magnificent treatment. The message of Ezekiel is unravelled in marvellously warm, descriptive prose. It is shown that with Christ and the 'Gospel Church' age, the promised blessings of Ezekiel are fulfilled. The explanation of Ezekiel's weeks is still unsurpassed. Indispensable for preachers, but it is so readable it is ideal for devotional use by any believer.

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Book: A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit

A Help to the Study of the Holy Spirit

W E Biederwolf

This brilliant volume does all the biblical spadework for the reader, assembling all the references to the baptism, filling and sealing of the Spirit, and explaining what they mean. It deals also with Holy-Spirit-related terms such as anointing and communion, as well as the emblems of the Spirit, and resisting, grieving or quenching the Spirit. It is for all lovers of the Word, but is a message-preparer’s delight.
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Book: Joseph the Prime Minister

Joseph the Prime Minister

William M Taylor

This famous work was expanded from weeknight addresses at the Brooklyn Tabernacle (in the 1880s), by their Scottish pastor. It is presented as a reading book – and a very good one – rather than a commentary, but it is so full of interesting information and application that it constitutes an excellent commentary. In his application the author bears in mind young adults, which is unusual and valuable in such a work.

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Book: Sunlight for Cloudy Days

Sunlight for Cloudy Days

C H Spurgeon

Fourteen heartwarming messages to encourage and challenge, drawn mainly from prayer meeting addresses (with some from Sunday sermons) given at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.

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Book: Wonders of Grace

Wonders of Grace

Compiled by Hannah Wyncoll

Drawn from the early years of Spurgeon’s remarkable London ministry, these 138 testimonies of conversion form part of an archive of some 15,000 such accounts at the Metropolitan Tabernacle. Here is a powerful reaffirmation of the transforming power of the Gospel in individual lives. Also provides insights into the signs of conversion looked for by the elders, and the questions put to converts.

Here too is a fascinating glimpse into life in Victorian London, with accounts of servants, crossing sweepers, hatters and factory workers... Read more

Book: The Suffering Letters

The Suffering Letters

C H Spurgeon

These remarkable letters, written from a suffering pastor to his congregation, abound in exhortations to godliness, zeal and prayer. They provide a unique insight into Spurgeon’s life, and into the fervent soul-winning activity which was, alongside the preaching, a leading feature of an historic Calvinistic church.

Notes on Spurgeon’s ministry set the letters in context, and several classic sermonettes written during sickness are included, along with 16 pages of colour pictures of original letters.Read more

Book: Nearly a Christian

Nearly a Christian

C H Spurgeon

An updated edition of CH Spurgeon's 'Around the Wicket Gate'. Ideal for personal witness and evangelism.

From the original publisher's review of 'Around the Wicket Gate':

'The greatest of all tragedies must be that of the person who dies just outside the gate of life. They are standing, as it were, just outside the... Read more

Book: Classic Counsels

Classic Counsels

C H Spurgeon

These choice messages cover aspects of personal spiritual experience together with Christian responsibilities, in Spurgeon's distinctively compelling and uplifting style.

These edited messages have been slightly abridged, and punctuation has been modernised.Read more

Book: Lessons for Life Book 1

Lessons for Life Book 1

Jill Masters

Each of the 4 volumes in this series contains 46 lessons (supplemented with optional visual aid suggestions and drawings) ideal for home devotions or for a year's Sunday School lessons (allowing for special services and anniversaries).

All the lessons have an evangelistic emphasis, and at the same time provide a memorable view of all the major events and doctrines of the Bible. They avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere 'stories', so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great... Read more

Book: Lessons for Life Book 2

Lessons for Life Book 2

Jill Masters

Each of the 4 volumes in this series contains 46 lessons (supplemented with optional visual aid suggestions and drawings) ideal for home devotions or for a year's Sunday School lessons (allowing for special services and anniversaries).

All the lessons have an evangelistic emphasis, and at the same time provide a memorable view of all the major events and doctrines of the Bible. They avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere 'stories', so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great... Read more

Book: Lessons for Life Book 3

Lessons for Life Book 3

Jill Masters

Each of the 4 volumes in this series contains 46 lessons (supplemented with optional visual aid suggestions and drawings) ideal for home devotions or for a year's Sunday School lessons (allowing for special services and anniversaries).

All the lessons have an evangelistic emphasis, and at the same time provide a memorable view of all the major events and doctrines of the Bible. They avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere 'stories', so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great... Read more

Book: Lessons for Life Book 4

Lessons for Life Book 4

Jill Masters

Each of the 4 volumes in this series contains 46 lessons (supplemented with optional visual aid suggestions and drawings) ideal for home devotions or for a year's Sunday School lessons (allowing for special services and anniversaries).

All the lessons have an evangelistic emphasis, and at the same time provide a memorable view of all the major events and doctrines of the Bible. They avoid the presentation of Bible narratives as mere 'stories', so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great... Read more

Book: Building an Outreach Sunday School

Building an Outreach Sunday School

Jill Masters

This practical manual for the starting, enlargement and operation of Sunday Schools incorporates years of experience from one who has pioneered Sunday School work in a new town, and has been central for many years to the growth of Britain's largest Sunday School in the heart of London. This manual teems with information and tips which will help small as well as large Schools, but the transparent aim is to encourage the greatest growth possible, in gathering teenagers and children under the sound of the Word.Read more

Book: The Lullingstone Secret

The Lullingstone Secret

Jill Masters

Secrets from long ago hide inside the grand Roman Villa of Lullingstone. 

A missing family treasure and a runaway tutor are just the beginning of mysteries confounding young Lydia and Balbus. But what is the life-changing book from Rome that brought great happiness to those who heard its message?Read more

Book: Richard Dawkins' Fictional World

Richard Dawkins' Fictional World

Robin Compston

Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion has sold in millions, attacking the God of the Bible with a ferocity not seen since the heyday of aggressive communism. But these assaults contain numerous mistakes, as many noted reviewers have pointed out.

In this brief and readable response, Robin Compston exposes with exceptional clarity major mistakes, and at the same time shows the reality and value of the faith under attack. The author is a systems architect who also heads an outreach team at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in central London.Read more

Book: God or Mammon?

God or Mammon?

Robin Compston

'Who would have predicted that Christian churches would be infected by teaching as blatantly unbiblical as the Prosperity Gospel, an error which contradicts head-on the tenth commandment, and to which all believers should have an instinctive aversion? Yet this teaching has made strong headway'.

So begins this startling unmasking of the heresies of the Prosperity Gospel  movement. Fourteen crucial principles of Christian teaching are shown here to be thrown aside and substituted by opposite ideas.Read more

Book: Not Hearers Only

Not Hearers Only

Andrew Owen

This is a manual designed to help church leaders and members understand the needs of Deaf adults and children and to reach out to them effectively. It contains much practical help and information, drawing from the authors experience in founding a work for Deaf people.

Andrew Owen is a Communication Support Worker, supporting Deaf students in 6th Forms, Colleges and Universities in London.He is the Founder-Secretary of the Association of Communication Support Workers.Read more

Book: One Among a Thousand

One Among a Thousand

Andrew Owen

'If there be a messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness.' Job 33:23

Although there are many interpreters in Christian settings, often working as volunteers, there is very little in print to help them. This is therefore a must-read volume. A ground-breaking book, thought-provoking and encouraging.Read more

Book: Signs of Life

Signs of Life

Andrew Owen

This dictionary is for all who use British Sign Language (BSL) in Protestant churches. There are over 100 signs here and with glosses (other words that have the same sign) a vocabulary of over 250 words.

This is an important reference guide for Deaf people, BSL students and tutors, interpreters, preachers, parents of Deaf children and anyone with an interest in BSL and the church. Each sign has a written explanation of handshapes, location etc. and drawings of handshapes for clarity. Some... Read more


"You Are Deaf"

Andrew Owen

Written for Deaf readers and those for whom English is a second language. This illustrated biography traces the surprising and eventful life of John Kitto who lost his hearing in a childhood accident. Having travelled widely in missionary service he went on to write the best-selling volumes "The Pictorial Bible" and "Daily Bible Illustrations" and was given a grant from Queen Victoria's Civil List.