A well-run Sunday School strives to teach evangelistic lessons from the Bible and plants the Gospel seed in a number of young hearts for the winning of their souls to Christ.
The Sunday School Lessons for Life programme offers a distinctive challenge for young people growing up in these perilous times of atheism. They avoid the presentation of the Bible narrative as mere ‘stories’, so that the Word of God speaks powerfully to the young, pressing home the great arguments and appeals of the Gospel and Christian conversion.
Lessons for Life books 1, 2, 3 and 4 provide a structured course of Bible lessons for children from the Old and New Testaments. They cover all the great doctrines and events of the Bible in a memorable way.
Each book contains 46 Sunday School lessons, sufficient for a one year Sunday School programme and adaptable for pre-schoolers and teenage Sunday School children alike.

Christians are deeply concerned about the secularisation of the rising generation lost to the Gospel. It is for this reason, over thirty years ago, that Mrs Jill Masters and others at the Metropolitan Tabernacle saw the need to service the great Sunday School movement.
Since then, her evangelistic 'Lessons for Life' Sunday School resources have enabled a growing team of Sunday School teachers to gradually enlarge the Tabernacle’s Sunday School to over 1,000 children today.
Sunday School children around the world have voted by their attendance and we offer a wealth of Sunday School resources to others who see the urgent need to start or enlarge a traditional, Sunday afternoon Sunday School with abundant ideas for Sunday Schools and all other related activity.