The London Reformed Baptist Seminary (LRBS) aims to give the maximum encouragement and help to men who desire to preach. We cannot make preachers, nor accredit them, for this belongs to local churches alone. But we try to inspire minds and hearts to embrace the doctrinal, pastoral and methodological standards sought by many fellowships.
Never since pre-Reformation days has Western evangelicalism fallen to such a low spiritual condition. Never has it been infected by so many unbiblical ideas and practices. More urgently than ever we need to train men for a powerful ministry of the Word of God, re-emphasising the old paths of reformed Truth combined with vigorous evangelism. We need men who will not yield to the current tide of carnal Christianity. We need men prepared and inspired to preach Christ in all his fulness, to win souls, and to contend for the faith.
We invite all who have a real burden on their hearts to minister the Gospel to consider joining the LRBS. Church officers are also welcome because they bear great responsibility for the health of their churches and need to be aware of the issues of the day.
In October 2014 the two LRBS courses - the part-time course for those living in the UK and the online course for those overseas - merged, enabling people in the UK to follow the course online. Please see below for further information.
LRBS Online Seminary