
Sermons on 1 Timothy

26 Aug 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Conforming a church to God's pattern must begin with a glimpse of the greatness and glory of Christ and His church (which would shame away today's trivialisation and entertainment). Here is the all-surpassing wonder of 'God manifest in the flesh', and the five powerful proofs.
27 Nov 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Today numerous false teachings flourish even within conservative and reformed churches, crippling the work of God. Here are common major wrong views of the Bible, of the Godhead, and of salvation spread by leading teachers. The great need of clarity, discernment and a faithful stand.

Constant Communion 1 Timothy 4.8
2 Sep 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
The word 'godliness', as used by both Paul and Peter, does not mean holiness but devotion or reverence. Knowing this brings all the exhortations to godliness to life. Here we see what constant devotion is, how it is to be exercised and maintained, and the blessings it brings.
Exercising Gifts 1 Timothy 4.14
24 Aug 2011
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
25 Sep 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Godliness (reverence) is firmly coupled with contentment (satisfaction), and together they are the source of true riches. Reverence sees God's wisdom, power, love, goodness, providence, protection and plans, while contentment feels them in personal experience, causing us to be lost in wonder, love and praise.

2 May 2021
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Just as we came into the world with nothing, so we shall leave it. When we appear as souls before our Maker, how will we be provided for? Will we have a Saviour, a pardon for all sin, and eternal life?

The Purpose of Life 1 Timothy 6.7
26 Oct 2014
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Life's end point challenges all our values and goals. Is there a 'next world'? Here are the indications. Also, God's amazing description of Himself, our alienation from Him, and how we may be reconciled to be sure of safe passage on the ultimate day of life.

21 Aug 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Love of material gain, status and appearance begins with mental desire. Here is why these aims are deceitful, leading to a threefold fall or snare. Here are the hurts, and the vital antidotes that protect and promote spiritual contentment and fruitfulness.
16 Sep 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Striving for earthly gain and satisfaction makes believers vulnerable to the snare of many longings and lusts, leading to severe spiritual decline and sorrow. Paul appeals to us to flee from these things, giving a six-point agenda for the consecrated life that leads to spiritual fruitfulness.
9 Sep 2012
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
'Lay hold on eternal life' was spoken to a preacher, showing the need to grasp eternity as the supreme objective and inspiration and the antidote to complacency and backsliding. Here, too, is why the historic two-nature model for sanctification is the best practical aid to believers.