
Sermons on Exodus

15 Oct 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The centuries between Joseph and the oppression in Egypt are given a single verse noting their miraculous birth rate, but the chapter implies (other texts confirming) six serious failings that brought them to slavery. These same failings bring us down today, while their avoidance lifts us up.

5 Nov 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

God's sovereignty seen in the surprising and miraculous rescue of Moses when mighty Pharaoh's edict was doubly confounded! Faith exercised and rewarded. Christ foreshadowed. Human instrumentality demonstrated through Jochebed and Moses. Separation of 'church' and world set in train. Also, why Moses' conduct in Egypt was faultless.

12 Nov 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The call and commissioning of Moses, including his reservations and the signs God gave him, provide six principles for spiritual mission in all ages, most of which are breached by large sections of evangelicalism today. Yet they are deeply encouraging and vital for Christ's blessing.

19 Nov 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Ruler and deliverer Moses is poor, rebuking prosperity heresy. His trial through neglecting a command. Israel's temporary faith and false converts today. Moses unready for Satan's actions, nor are we if we defend doctrine but not practice. New significance of the glorious name Jehovah.

10 Dec 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

A review of the plagues of Egypt reveals facts often unnoticed which provide significant principles for the Christian age. Here are: (i) applications for individual believers; (ii) typical features; (iii) profound principles for evangelism drawn from the obduracy of Pharaoh.

17 Dec 2014
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Indescribable relief filled Hebrew homes that midnight when judgement struck Egypt. They knew as idolaters they deserved it also, but atoning blood kept them. Thousands of lambs secured one deliverance, whereas the Lamb of God would gain eternal life for billions. Here are the parallels.

7 Jan 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Perhaps the greatest miracle of the Old Testament, the crossing teems with spiritual application, and contains a famous 'contradiction' that leads to deliverance. We can only imagine the menacing, towering walls of water, the fiery cloudy pillar, and the long night of faith.

6 Feb 2022
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

How is God to be approached in order to experience real conversion? Here are the two essential elements - repentance and faith - what they are, and how they must be expressed to God. Throughout the Bible these are always the two vital steps.

17 Apr 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Two famous commands from God give total insight into how we should approach Him for new life - 'Stand still! Go forward!' The message is about how to resolve our inner struggles and concerns in calling upon Christ for forgiveness and conversion
14 Jan 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The first (and last, in Revelation) congregational hymn of the Bible is 19 verses long, glorifies God, and is deeply doctrinal and intelligent. Nothing like contemporary music lyrics, it was learned by multitudes within hours. Here are some of its wonders.