Sermon series

Sermons on Acts

28 Feb 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Luke's magnificent inspired record of the first decade of the church provides far more than history. Here are doctrines, duties, patterns for church life, methods and priorities, joined with examples of faith and patience in both blessing and persecution. This is authentic Christian living.

6 Mar 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In the interval between the resurrection and Pentecost, remarkable advances were accomplished in the apostles. Here we see their inner lives, grasp of the Word, high view of service and total submission to God's authority, and our own inner development is challenged.

13 Mar 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

How could the apostles survive the inevitable hostility of Jews and Gentiles after the Lord's ascension? The miracle of Pentecost was powerfully reassuring, but it also conveyed to them vital principles for the church age. These are here reviewed, along with the power given.

20 Mar 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The first sermon of the Christian church (and of Peter) is amazing in structure and clarity, never swerving from lifting up Christ and pressing the necessity of repentance and faith. It also reflects the powerful work of Christ in preparing the apostle for such a task.

3 Apr 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The characteristics of people converted through the first sermon of the young church. These serve today as the signs of spiritual life to comfort and encourage (or to challenge) all who hear the call of Christ. Also, the community of goods applied today.

10 Apr 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The healing of the disabled man in the temple before the evening sacrifice led to Peter's second recorded sermon - an inspired 'masterclass' in convicting contrasts, resulting in thousands of conversions, and yielding lessons on Christ's presence in the lives of His people today.

17 Apr 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In his second temple sermon, Peter proves from prophecy that Jesus is Christ. When arrested, he trusts God in answering the Sanhedrin, receiving a marvellous measure of vindication. The pattern for this being - prove the Gospel, trust the power of God, see vindication in witness.

1 May 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

With the leading apostles arrested, the new church suffers an apparent major setback, but the superior power of God is honoured in prayer, not for relief, but for success of the word, and they are answered in transformed hearts. Here are the lessons.

8 May 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The judgement upon Ananias and Sapphira for their hypocrisy stunned the early church and the wider public. This exceptional event marked God's hatred of insincerity, to which believers are constantly pressed by Satan. Here are the lessons for promoting personal integrity and freedom from self.

15 May 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Explaining first the sign miracles and their special purposes for the apostolic age. Secondly, the primacy of preaching for the conversion of the lost. Thirdly, the differences between the disciples and the chief priests and rulers, and their significance for us today.

22 May 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The apostles face an enraged Sanhedrin, but stand firm. Council members want them dead, but the counsel of Gamaliel (though proud and foolish) came to their aid and they are flogged and released. Boldly they teach and evangelise everywhere. Here are the applications to us.

29 May 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In this record of extraordinary awakening among people in and around Jerusalem comes the implementation of Christ's first rule of church government, the two approved 'methods' of ministry, the inevitability of opposition and the necessity of preaching for conviction of sin.

5 Jun 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Stephen, in showing the Sanhedrin the roots of their hostility to Christ, also traces the typical call of God out of the world, the obedience and trials of faith, and the supreme promise of eternal glory that keeps believers all for Christ.

19 Jun 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Stephen proved to the Sanhedrin the disaster of Israel devoting herself to visible symbols while opposing real faith in Messiah. Here are the lessons for us. When they stoned him, he prayed for their salvation, a prayer notably answered in the conversion of Saul.

26 Jun 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Luke's record of how intense persecution served to spread the Gospel extensively; how a city in superstitious subjection to sorcery was captivated by the Gospel, and how a double-minded 'convert' and prototype prosperity preacher was exposed by apostles. Encouragement and warnings for us.

3 Jul 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The risen Lord had sent the Gospel to the 'uttermost part of the earth' and now Philip is made the historic instrument who would begin that mission. The core of his witness was Calvary, and the result a full-hearted profession. Here are the lessons.

10 Jul 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

How Saul the persecutor experiences conviction of sin, transformation, and the proving work of God to prepare for his magnificent work - the Gentile mission. Here also are the elements of church life to be honoured to secure the 'comfort of the Holy Ghost' and growth.

17 Jul 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Saul's 3 years in Damascus and 7-8 years in Tarsus - the long years of preparation and proving, and the reasons why. Then the significance of Peter's two great miracles as God prepared the way for the Gentile mission.

24 Jul 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The 66 verses devoted to the visit of Peter to Centurion Cornelius tells us that God's orchestration of the start of Gentile evangelism with the sealing of the ceremonial law, was an epochal event. No wonder it required authenticating angels and visions.

14 Aug 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Steeped in mistaken Jewish culture, early converts shunned the Gentiles, but God amazingly transformed them to embrace Gentile salvation. The Word still trains believers to think, saving them from conforming to the unreasoned opinion-culture of social media, and rooting them in obedience to Christ.

18 Sep 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Only inspired history could provide this view of the war between fallen human nature (driven by Satan), and the work of the Spirit. Here is Herod Agrippa's attempt to crush the church, and the power of prayer in keeping Gospel mercy flowing.

25 Sep 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

At Antioch the Lord established an autonomous church, and here He begins the Gentile mission. Paul is soon endorsed by a God-given miraculous deed as His apostle. But young Mark fails to grasp the historic moment, and leaves. What about us?

2 Oct 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Here is the first sermon of the Gentile mission, and the first of Paul's to be reported in detail. Preached in a synagogue to Jews, and yet made understandable to Gentiles, we see the apostle's method, his emphasis on Christ, and his urgings and warnings.

9 Oct 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

As the Gentile mission reaches Iconium and Lystra, great lessons emerge about times of soul winning and blessing, especially how persecution is provoked, the tenacity of God's people is increased, and any form of accommodation with the culture and religions of the world is shunned.

16 Oct 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The independent Church of Antioch protests to Jerusalem about false teachers from there who have visited them. Wrongly called a 'Church Council', here are the facts of what took place and how apostles asserted divine revelation as the only source of doctrine and directions.

23 Oct 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The beginning of Paul's second missionary journey is full of unexpected events – a key helper appears, the Spirit blocks progress, redirection to Europe takes place, Luke amazingly coincides with the mission – all events reflecting the sovereign hand of God in the Christian life.

30 Oct 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

At Philippi on the second missionary journey Paul and Silas are falsely charged, flogged and flung bleeding into jail. But their deportment and witness manifests sincerity, steadfastness, and sympathy for individuals to a degree that commends them and challenges us as believers today.

6 Nov 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

There is a treasury of information about Paul's methods in Thessalonica, in both Acts and 1 Thessalonians. We note, for example, that Paul reasoned with the active minds of his hearers, which is rather different from plain exposition. Here is authentic apostolic evangelism.

13 Nov 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Athens, where pride in learning and culture disabled ability to grasp truth; where pride disdained a supreme God; where pride refused to repent; and where pride displayed its greatest obstinacy. Here grace was largely withheld, and the city of idols left in their 'power'.

20 Nov 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

At Corinth great encouragements came repeatedly to Paul and his fellow missionaries, as they do to all faithful servants of God. First, we review his steadfastness, then see the provision of work, home, fellow-labourers, meeting-place, assurance, and (in Corinth) a special peace from violence.

27 Nov 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Genuine, living churches will manifest the effects of Christ at work shown in this passage  Christ becomes all to believers, the offence of the cross is known, godly fear is present (alongside joy), believers renounce worldliness, and the Word prevails. Lukewarm churches, show no signs.

4 Dec 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

From Ephesus the Gospel spread mightily by preaching. Without choirs, vocalists, bands, entertainment or over-the-top preachers, great numbers were saved. Here is the sad mindlessness of the opposition (like today), and views of the apostle Paul's courage and modesty, an example to be followed for instrumentality.

11 Dec 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In his ministry, Paul had aims and objectives, seen here, never being in a rut. Much exhortation was given, reviewed here. He endured the rigours of life, and here is why, and saw God's power, as we should also in ways here stated

18 Dec 2016
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

This most moving (and challenging) farewell address of Paul, given to the Ephesian elders, shows the heart, manner and commitment of a true minister of the Gospel, indebted and loyal to his charge even in the knowledge of very great trials ahead.

1 Jan 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's charge to the elders of Ephesus urged self-scrutiny, the care and protection of the flock, awareness of the spiritual warfare, emphasis on the Word, and obedience to Christ's command to find happiness as givers of Gospel grace and needed help.

15 Jan 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

From Miletus to Jerusalem, believers knew Paul was heading into suffering, and tried to dissuade him. But emotions must yield to God's way, and the age-long hostility to Christ must be demonstrated. Here is the example of the apostle and the lessons for us.

22 Jan 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

At the end his third missionary journey Paul's long foretold 'captive ministry' is about to begin, his violent arrest serving to repair a serious defect in the vast Jerusalem church. Here is the problem, the shock, the Lord's overruling, and Paul's remarkable 'pulpit'.

29 Jan 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Accused by a vast Jewish crowd of being their enemy, Paul, flanked by Roman soldiers, tells of his conversion, and his call to preach to Gentiles. Here are the evangelistic lessons for us, and also the perilous position of the Jewish people and Temple.

5 Feb 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The dramatic record of how God brought the apostle through murderous mobs and organised assassination, to take him under Roman escort on the first step to the capital of the empire, where as 'ambassador in bonds', he would gather many souls.

12 Feb 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's trial in Caesarea shows the hostility of the human heart to the Gospel, the apostle's unchanging priority as he turns his defence into a witness, the impact of God's Word on Governor Felix, and his rejection of amazing mercy. Here are the lessons.

19 Feb 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul, after two years captivity in Caesarea is tried before a new governor of Judea, and offered a 'retrial' in Jerusalem. What will he decide? Here is how he discerned God's guidance. Here also is the relentless hostility of unbelief against him, and its equivalent today.

5 Mar 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In days when so many evangelical leaders make social efforts equal to the Gospel, here is God's commission to Paul, the message to be declared, the apostle's obedience, and the response of human rulers. The Gospel is unquestionably the priority for God's people.

12 Mar 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's fourth shipwreck is recounted, showing that believers will know trials. Paul is the principal person in this event, praying, trusting and encouraging, and God gives him all lives on board. Here are the spiritual lessons that stand out in this unique narrative.

19 Mar 2017
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's journey to Rome, where he would gain the souls of many Jews as well as Gentiles in a 'protected' ministry in the capital of the world. Here are the wonders of God's ways and the apostle's example of determination, compassion and faithfulness.