Sermon series

Sermons on Ezekiel

11 Nov 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The personal spiritual message of Ezekiel 1 - the call of a prophet certainly, but also the commission that should dawn dramatically on all believers, bringing a powerful sense of God, His glory and omniscience. How this brings fruitfulness, while its absence has ruined much evangelical witness.

18 Nov 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

First, proof that Ezekiel's commission applies to all believers. Secondly, why he is constantly reminded of his human vulnerabilities. Thirdly, how the Spirit carries him and us over the opposition of the age. Fourthly, proclamational not missional (in the modern sense) methods are commanded.

25 Nov 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

A new vision of the holiness of God fills the prophet with indignation at the insult to Him of apostasy. Commissioned a watchman to souls, a time of barren ministry creates dependence on the unction of the Spirit, while the siege enactment teaches his attitude.

2 Dec 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

It is remarkable how the vision-messages given by God to Ezekiel are structured and divided to ideal sermonic form, as if they are inspired lessons in delivery. Here we see the Lord's own subject, shape and divisions for several major 'sermons'.

9 Dec 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

From the parables of the vine and of two great eagles the greatest faults of the 'typical' church (repeated today) were pride and idolatry. Ezekiel shows that humility, simplicity and faithfulness are essential for true blessing. We see how worldliness is the equivalent of idolatry.

16 Dec 2015
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Despite training, Israelites were ignorant of doctrine, choosing uninspired nonsense over the Word. They thought Exodus taught that parental sin was punished in children. Ezekiel denies it, unless children choose to sin. A call to personal knowledge of doctrine and conduct - so rare today.

27 Jan 2016
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Among nations to be judged for hostility to God's people, Tyre was unique, and subject to uniquely phased judgement.  Here is how she parallels anti-Christian thought today, and the perspective we gain from this (already partially fulfilled) prophecy.

3 Feb 2016
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

An obvious parable (as Ezekiel shows by building in major pointers) about the coming of Christ and the church age, telling us about the constant hostility of the world against the church, how God will restrict it, and its end times crescendo when Christ returns. 

17 Feb 2016
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Is this great city/temple vision to be fulfilled literally or does it portray Christ's Church? Here are the reasons why historic interpreters were all sure it pointed to the Church, and how this view reveals the many vital pastoral applications for today.

24 Feb 2016
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Ezekiel has lamented the failure of separation from the world, and now the river symbolises the church's positive work in the world. Here is the meaning of its secret source and miraculous expansion, with our soul-winning priority, and the incidental yet mighty social benefits in times when there is great acceptance and blessing of souls.