Sermon series
Sermons on Galatians
30 Jan 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul is astonished to hear of genuine believers so quickly turning to the false teaching of 'Judaizers'. Here is his strong defence of justification by faith alone, and of the exclusive saving power of Calvary. Who are the Judaizers today?
6 Feb 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul tells how God dealt directly with him, revealing the Gospel of faith - not works - and making him an apostle. His stand for truth (then against 'Judaizers') must be copied today. Here, also, is what it means to have Christ revealed in us.
13 Feb 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Peter believed in salvation by faith alone, but at Syrian Antioch he failed to stand up for the truth. Why did he err; and what was at stake? Here are glorious features of the true doctrine.
20 Feb 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul quotes Genesis about Abraham's belief being 'accounted to him for righteousness'. He does not mean that belief is accepted in lieu of righteousness; or that it assists justification. Here is the meaning. Also, how faith in Christ brings us into all the blessings promised to Abraham.
27 Feb 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
The moral and ceremonial laws of the Jewish era spelled out the barriers to being accepted by God, along with many lessons of forgiveness through trusting in the coming Christ. But finding this mercy was always through faith, not works, as these great verses prove.
6 Mar 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul shows that before Christ all people were under elementary forms of worship. The Jews were given sound rituals designed to lead them to God, while the pagan world devised their own. Then came the marvel of Gospel light.
20 Mar 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
While making powerful appeals for loyalty to salvation by faith, Paul brings a lesson from Ishmael and Isaac. Here are the great differences between salvation by works and faith; the two covenants are contracts for securing union with God, that are foreshadowed in the history of Abraham's household.
27 Mar 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
The doctrine of Christian liberty proclaims our freedom from the condemnation of the moral law and from Jewish ceremonial ritual. It includes our freedom to approach God, through Christ, without need of a priesthood. Yet we are to be willing servants of God's standards, and of other people. Key verses show how.
3 Apr 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Love is the substance of all the moral law, when it is obeyed by saved hearts full of gratitude to Christ. Here is how it works for each commandment. Here also is how the old fallen nature and the indwelling Holy Spirit are in conflict, and the way sin is to be overcome.
17 Apr 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
A passage not about guidance but about sanctification, and how the Spirit gives the power that enables us to avoid fleshly, sensual sins. Here are those lusts, and here also are the spiritual benefits that accompany their defeat
1 May 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Love, the chief of Christian virtues, is imparted by the Spirit, and is a quality of thought, affection and action which must be exercised and protected. Here are its marvellous features, its scope, and its strength.
8 May 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Joy given by the Spirit is to be maintained. Here are biblical facts about its character and achievements, and how it may be lost. Here also are the rich sources from which Christian joy is drawn.
15 May 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Peace is given directly to the believer by the Spirit, and also channelled through the Word. Here are descriptions of Satan's false peace, salvation's true peace, and Christ's legacy of Peace. Also, how peace should rule in our hearts when trials come.
22 May 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Longsuffering, gentleness (or kindness) and goodness are given by the Holy Spirit but must be exercised and increased. Here are passages that show how and give spiritual incentives. Here also are the helps and the hindrances.
29 May 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Ongoing faith is Spirit-given, but must be exercised. This is faith in the Word and its doctrines; living faith in Christ, and also faith in the eternal goal. False and true, hindrances and helps, are here presented.
5 Jun 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Meekness is the humble acceptance of God's providence, as well as such things as the rule of the Word, Christian service and local church order. Temperance is strength over such things as the tongue, gifts, desires, moods and thoughts. Here are the biblical helps.
12 Jun 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
If given spiritual life by the Spirit, we should walk by His rule and help. Here is the manner in which we must read the Word, pursue holiness, engage in prayer and practise dedication to Christ in order to know real happiness and fulfilment.
19 Jun 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul first gives the 'rules' for kindly correction between believers, then he applies Christ's 'new commandment', the law of mutual love - or burden bearing. Do we really follow this, the kindest of laws? If not, says Paul, we amount to nothing.
26 Jun 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
It is a law of life that we reap what we sow. Believers, saved by grace, may slip back to sowing for earthly gratification rather than holiness and the service of Christ. Paul here provides needed urgings and promises.
3 Jul 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
We cannot glory in the life of Christ, or the Bible or any doctrine without supremely glorying in what took place on Calvary's cross, something only Christ could do, displaying his attributes, saving billions of souls, and crucifying the world to us, and us to the world.
17 Jul 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Paul defines Christian conversion as a new creation, and the church as a community of new-created people. Here are their distinctive features and blessings. Here also is the three-fold meaning of Paul having the scars of Christ, and the meaning for us.