Sermon series

The Prophecies of Jeremiah

17 Apr 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

In 627 BC the long ministry begins. His call is our call - analysing the features, terms and privileges. Jeremiah's good reluctance, his anointing and level of conviction; the certain outcome of his words (and ours). Are we in the last phase of the age?

24 Apr 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Modern translators and writer destroy the message of Jeremiah by calling his words charges or accusations against Judah rather than pleadings (KJV). Here is how we are meant to read these pleadings and apply them to ourselves, to derive challenge and comfort.

1 May 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The unfaithful wife called back shows God's patience to rebellious Israel. How much more to true believers who should never delay repentance after waywardness. Compromised Judah prayed to the true God from idol shrines! Reasons why worldly evangelicals forfeit real blessing today.

15 May 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
Why does the prophet appeal to Judah to repent, when he knows they never will? So that God's heart in the matter will be seen, obstinacy revealed and so that individuals may find the Lord. Here are lines of appeal still to be used today.
22 May 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Here we glean the necessity of 1) strong sorrow for the lost, 2) ministering for conviction, 3) humbling ministry, 4) expansive labouring, 5) readiness for trials, 6) closeness to Christ. Precious and powerful verses to challenge and enliven sincere students of the Word.

5 Jun 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
Although almost alone in his stand, Jeremiah obeyed God's express command in these chapters to make no concession to apostate culture (unlike many evangelicals today). Here also is the source of his strength, his occasions of doubt, meeting with God's reproof, and his preaching emphasis.
12 Jun 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Here are the prophecies of Christ, the Branch, and of His ransom for sinners; of the return of the exiles; of the calling out of believers in the Gospel age; of the calling of the Gentiles; of the New Testament ministry, and the regenerate character of the church.

19 Jun 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
9: Heeding the Word Jeremiah 39.1
10 Jul 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
17 Jul 2013
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters