Sermon series

The Role of Faith in Spiritual Endeavour

9 Jan 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The literal history of Joshua, showing the pastoral parallels for our spiritual lives today in chapter 1. Here is Joshua's momentous call, the certain promise of instrumentality, the effort needed, the necessity of a focus for faith, and other principles often neglected yet so vital today.

23 Jan 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The well-known sending of the two spies contrasts with the twelve sent forty years before, who offended the Lord by presuming to choose the route of conquest. We learn the necessity of honouring God's prerogatives — prescribed directions for the Christian life and church.

30 Jan 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

First, tests of faith exemplified; second, the fourfold significance of the ark for us today; third, the necessity of reverence; fourth, the preaching of God's Word central in every church event; fifth, all glory to be assigned to God, not leaders.

13 Feb 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Four steps are emphasised in Joshua 4-6: first, the cherishing of God's works (the Jordan memorial), second, not hindering the work (by prolonging the reproach of Egypt), third, clinging to one's sense of God (the theophany), and fourth, keeping faith as paramount (the strange siege).

20 Feb 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Achan sins and all Israel must suffer - why? Is it just? The question answered. The nature of 'the accursed thing' and its equivalent today. Here is 'spiritual desertion' as they knew it (and how it may strike believing churches), Achan's obduracy, and the nation's restoration.

27 Feb 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Biblical proofs that Joshua's conquest was a moral action of divine judgement that included an offer of peace to pagan cities (refused by all except the Gibeonites) if yielding to the moral standards displayed at Ebal. The Gibeonites in a positive light - illustrating evangelical repentance.

13 Mar 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Joshua's defence of the Gibeonites teems with spiritual lessons that still apply and bless God's people. Among them are once-only miracles that establish Joshua and his principles and crushed pagan deification of sun and moon. Here is Joshua's promoting of faith.

20 Mar 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

We learn the need of limited methods in the Lord's work, how to identify 'Hazors' or pivotal issues in the defence of faith, the necessity of total obedience to God's plan, and the certain fall of Anakim giants that triggered Israel's unbelief and disobedience.

3 Apr 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Israel's tribes failed to clear residual Canaanite occupation, diluting their commission - the lessons. Joshua implements cities of refuge - here is how we know they have significance for the Christian life. Here also is the first piece of 'theatre' in the ancient church, and its folly. 

10 Apr 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

After twenty years of historical silence, Joshua's last convocation of Israel is recorded, with his remarkable speech presenting sixteen distinctive exhortations or 'resolutions' for the lives of God's children. There is nothing quite so searching and comprehensive in all the Bible.