Special Topic
All materials are by Dr Peter Masters unless otherwise indicated
1 John 2.15
Surely we are moving into the last age end-phase of licence and lawlessness. Here we briefly review history since the 1960s, and then consider a gulf between church and world, then study the command to love not the world and its things. What are these?
Luke 5.11
The 'principles' contained in key Scripture texts that decide whether a pursuit is of the world; plus an examination of dancing, with special attention to David's dancing before the Lord, and the impossibility of this justifying modern dancing either in worship or in the world.
1 John 2.15
'Love not the world' texts are frequently twisted to mean - be worldly as long as you don't sin. Past believers always saw the world as a complex evil campaign orchestrated by Satan. Here are passages proving this view and defining worldliness.