Booklets by Dr Masters

Published by Sword & Trowel and available from Tabernacle Bookshop

Stand for the Truth

This booklet gives the biblical arguments for separation from false teaching, and shows the positive value of this. Ten commonly-heard arguments in defence of 'inclusivism' (co-operating in Bible-denying denominations, or with false teachers in evangelism, etc) are answered.

ISBN 9781899046119


How to Seek and Find the Lord

This is for people who want to find the Lord. The author shows that finding God is not a vague matter, for there is a definite way of salvation provided by God, and revealed in the Bible. Responding to this message leads to conversion - a great change which brings a person to know and relate to the living God.

ISBN 9781899046027

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.


Baptism - The Picture and its Purpose

The Lord insists on baptism. Why? Here is the fourfold pictorial message of baptism intended by God for the believer, the church, and the world. And here also are the biblical reasons why baptism is for believers only, by immersion.

ISBN 9781899046010

Also available in Spanish.


Seven Certain Signs - of True Conversion

Are there recognisable signs that true conversion has occurred? How can seekers tell if God has worked in their hearts? Or how can Christian workers discern the spiritual standing of a seeker or inquirer? This is a guide to the marks of true conversion.

ISBN 9781899046058

Also available in Spanish and Portuguese.


Proving charismatic gifts have ceased

Does the Bible teach definitively that the charismatic gifts have ceased? Can cessationism (the view that they have ended) be proved? This booklet shows that the ceasing of revelatory and sign-gifts in the time of the apostles is clearly derived from the Word of God. Here are the six main reasons why we may be sure that apostles, prophets and their unique authenticating signs fulfilled their purpose in Bible times.

15 pages, booklet,  ISBN 978 1 899046 40 9


Remember the Lord’s Day

Why was the sabbath day instituted by the Lord, and does it continue now as the Lord’s Day? If so, in what way has it changed with the coming of Christ? How should it be kept? This booklet responds to these and other questions, showing that the sabbath principle is still God’s will for believers today, and listing its purposes and blessings.

ISBN 9781899046324

Also available in Spanish.