Dr Masters books

Missionary Triumph Over Slavery - William Knibb & Jamaican Emancipation

We are being told today that Christian missionaries of the past were tools of colonial oppression and destroyers of culture. For this reason Christianity is called a ‘white man’s religion’, best shunned by Afro-Caribbean and Asian people.

The story of missionary William Knibb shows how wildly wrong this is. Persecuted by British rulers in Jamaica because he opposed settlers’ abuses, he was pivotal in swinging British public opinion behind legislation to end colonial slavery.

This is the true story of valiant missionary work covering the emancipation of slaves and the great Jamaican Awakening. 


Not Like Any Other Book

Faulty Bible interpretation lies at the root of every major mistake and 'ism' assailing churches today, and countless Christians are asking for the old, traditional and proven way of handling the Bible to be spelled out plainly.

A new approach to interpretation has also gripped many evangelical seminaries and Bible colleges, an approach based on the ideas of unbelieving critics, stripping the Bible of God's message, and leaving pastors impoverished in their preaching.

This book reveals what is happening, providing many brief examples of right and wrong interpretation. The author shows that the Bible includes its own rules of interpretation, and every believer should know what these are.

Also available in Spanish.



The Personal Spiritual Life

From the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit to living a life of commitment these chapters stir and encourage readers to advance spiritually.

In what sense may we ‘feel’ the presence of the Lord? What was the apostle Paul’s method for progress in holiness? How may we identify our spiritual gifts? And how may we count more for the Lord, and sustain spiritual joy? These are among the themes of this tonic for present-day disciples of Christ.


Faith, Doubts, Trials and Assurance

Ongoing faith is essential for answered prayer, effective service, spiritual stability and real communion with God. This book answers many questions about faith, such as: How may we assess the state of our faith? How can faith be strengthened? What are the most dangerous doubts? How should difficult doubts be handled? What is the biblical attitude to trials? How can we tell if troubles are intended to chastise or to refine? What can be done to obtain assurance? Can a believer commit the unpardonable sin? Exactly how is the Lord's presence felt?


The Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Is there a second blessing or baptism of the Spirit after conversion? Is the believer meant to struggle against sin, or does the Spirit sanctify by grace? What is the witness of the Spirit? And what is meant by the filling of the Spirit? Here are answers to all such questions with ‘proof texts’.

Ideal for all, especially new believers and study groups.

A revised version of Only One Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1994).

1  When is a Believer Baptised With the Spirit?
2  Is a Second Baptism Needed for Assurance?
3  How Does the Spirit Witness With Our Spirit?
4  The Spirit of Holiness
5  Attending the Wrong Classroom
6  Are We to Fight Sin?
7  Must We be Emptied or Broken?
8  The Filling of the Spirit
9  The Spirit’s Way
10 A Baptism of Bliss?
11  The Case of the Ephesus Twelve

Author: Peter Masters
ISBN: 978 1 908919 91 5
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 86



Physicians of Souls - The Gospel Ministry

'Compelling, convicting, persuasive preaching, revealing God's mercy and redemption to dying souls, is seldom heard today. The noblest art ever granted to our fallen human race has almost disappeared.'

Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author. These pages tackle the inhibitions, theological and practical, and provide powerful encouragement for physicians of souls to preach the Gospel.