Dr Masters books

The Healing Epidemic - New condensed version

Dr Masters here answers the arguments used by healers in support of their methods. He explains Bible teaching on what demons can and cannot do, and how James 5 should be implemented in churches today.

He also proves that the conscious mind should always be switched on for spiritual activities. Included is a brilliant assessment of miraculous healing by a leading British medical professor.


God's Rules for Holiness - Unlocking the Ten Commandments

Taken at face value the Ten Commandments are binding on all people, and will guard the way to Heaven, so that evil will never spoil its glory and purity. But the Commandments are far greater than their surface meaning, as this book shows.

They challenge us as Christians on a still wider range of sinful deeds and attitudes. They provide positive virtues as goals. And they give immense help for staying close to the Lord in our walk and worship.

The Commandments are vital for godly living and for greater blessing, but we need to enter into the panoramic view they provide of the standards and goals for redeemed people.


The Lord's Pattern for Prayer - Studying the lessons and spiritual encouragements in the most famous of all prayers

This volume is almost a manual on prayer, providing a real spur to the devotional life. The Lord's own plan and agenda for prayer - carefully amplified - takes us into the presence of the Father, to prove the privileges and power of God's promises to those who pray.

Chapters cover each petition of the Lord's Prayer. Here, too, are sections on remedies for problems in prayer, how to intercede for others, the reasons why God keeps us waiting for answers, and the nature of the prayer of faith.


Paul's Ten Point Design for Church Health and Growth

What are our aims for the shaping of our church fellowship, and for its growth? Do we have an agenda or framework of desired objectives? The apostle Paul had a very definite policy, and called it his 'purpose', using a Greek word which means – a plan or strategy displayed for all to see. This book sets out ten policy ideals, gleaned from Paul's teaching, all of which are essential for the health and growth of a congregation today.

A new revised edition of Do We Have a Policy? (2002)


Table of Contents
'Prothesis' - Paul's Blueprint
Policy 1: A Worshipping Church
Policy 2: A Praying Church
Policy 3: A Sanctified Church
Policy 4: A Working Church
Policy 5: A Learning Church
Policy 6: An Evangelistic Church
Policy 7: A Separated Church
Policy 8: A Sacrificial Church
Policy 9: A Loving Church
Policy 10: A Believing Church

Author: Peter Masters
ISBN: 978 1 908919 99 1
Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 84

Compassion for Souls - Following Christ's Approach for Witnessing to Different Types of Unbeliever

It is amazing how much detailed and practical guidance is stored in the Gospels and the Book of Acts for all who engage in personal witness and preaching. Are we aware that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbeliever, and that these may be studied and employed? Also the Lord regularly used several 'techniques' for opening the minds of listeners. 

Discover in this book how to approach and reason as the Lord did with spiritually ignorant and indifferent people, or with those who are self-righteous, or self-interest, or lost in atheism. 

Here is an inspiration to all to study the biblical craft of personal witness. 

Extracts from this book: 

Those who have compassion for souls hear the words of the Lord's great commission ringing in their ears, and long to see the Gospel of redeeming love spread to those around them. This book points to the Gospels and the Book of Acts as the greatest source of detailed and practical guidance for a life of witness. 

Are we aware, for example, that the Lord Jesus Christ employed distinctive strategies for different kinds of unbeliever, and that these may be studied and copied? The Lord distinguished very clearly between people who were indifferent to their spiritual state, and those who were self-righteous, using quite different approaches to each group. It is not difficult to identify these distinctive methods of Gospel presentation in the preaching and witness of both Christ and his apostles. In addition, the Lord regularly employed several 'techniques' for opening the minds of all listeners. Our Lord is not only a perfect Saviour and teacher, but a perfect example to us in all matters, and we must recognise and study the great wisdom of his methods.

Table of contents: 

1. Inspiring and Maintaining Personal Witness
2. God Really Does Use Instruments
3. Touching the Raw Nerve
4. Strategies for Different Kinds of Unbeliever
5. The Ignorant and Indifferent Person 
6. The Self-Righteous Person
7. The Self-Interested Person 
8. The Convinced Atheist 
9. Prepared for Questions 

Publisher: Wakeman Trust
Price: £5.95


Steps for Guidance

In recent years the subject of how to find God’s guidance has become controversial. Some say that God does not have a specific plan for the lives of his people, but allows us to please ourselves. Others say God’s will is known by dreams, visions, and ‘words of knowledge’.

By contrast with these sadly unbiblical ideas, this book presents the time-honoured, scriptural view that Christians must seek God’s will in all the major decisions of life, such as career, marriage, location, and church. Six essential steps are traced from the Bible, and principles are given on additional practical issues such as possessions and leisure activities; ambition and wealth; joining or leaving a church.

Here is a strong challenge to authentic Christian commitment, with an abundance of pastoral advice. 134 pages, paperback