31 May 2017
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters
The special aims of this tract-like Gospel and its unique themes, including attention to the 'signs following' of chapter 16 ('the Pentecostal mistake') and the numerous uses of 'immediately' and their rich pastoral messages as used in different passages.
26 Jan 2020
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Following the sermon on the mount, a leper runs to Christ for healing, providing a clear pattern for approaching Him for pardon and new life. Here is the faith that connects to God, how it emerges and how it is explained, leading to reconciliation with Him.
9 Jun 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
All Christ's healing miracles demonstrated both His divinity and the way He restores spirtually all who come to Him. The Lord's first healing of a leper says everything about the way to approach Him for the great experience of conversion, and the receiving of a new life.
17 Mar 2019
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Christ's high priestly prayer 'Sanctify them through thy truth' takes us to the moral law and a review of the fourth commandment. Here are the biblical reasons (and the resulting blessings) for honouring the Lord's Day. Here also are its biblical purposes and warnings.
16 Oct 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Christ's parable about not covering a lampstand challenges us to listen to God, and not to remain unaware of how He must reject all who will not seek and find Him. How to listen so that we experience powerful life-changing answers to our prayers.
1 Jul 2018
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Christ's parable illustrated spiritual truths marvellously, riveting minds, but they required thought, or the meaning would remain obscure. Here are the motives that would lead hearers to the meaning (both then and now) and to obtaining pardon and new life from Christ the Saviour.
24 May 2015
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Here are the circumstances that prepare us to open our minds to God, creating a sense of need, a willingness to learn, and a desire to be reconciled with Him. Here also Christ describes the means of finding Him and the experience of all who do.
27 Sep 2020
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Christ's miracle of the stilling of the tempest initially brought great fear to the disciples, because they realised as never before that He was divine. Now their minds were open to grasp His real purpose in reconciling people to God, and how He would achieve it.
9 Sep 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
As the disciples witnessed the miracles of Christ, they increasingly grasped that He was divine, the promised Messiah. This parallels our dawning realisation of His work in saving souls, which in turn brings us to seek His forgiveness, and the life-changing experience of conversion.
12 Jun 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
When Christ healed the twelve-year-old daughter of one named Jairus, he said, 'Only believe!' Why is this so vital, and exactly what form should our belief take in order for us to experience the unmistakable response of the Lord?