11 Oct 2020
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
The care of a synagogue ruler who comes to Christ for the healing of a dying daughter illustrates the necessity of believing. Here are the reasons why belief is essential for conversion, its components and how it may come about. A message of life's purpose.
31 Dec 2017
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Why do Christ and numerous Bible passages insist on believing as the only way to approach God and experience conversion to Him? Why not actions or works or ceremonies? Here is what is unique and vital about believing, and what one must believe.
28 Oct 2018
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Undoubtedly there are attractive-sounding benefits from rejecting God and investing in life without any spiritual concerns, and here are some of these. But see the weighty losses and the burdens, and also the compassion of Christ for human 'sheep not having a shepherd'.
26 Feb 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Famous militant atheists make many mistakes in their claims, and here are some, along with powerful proofs of God. Here too are the strong attractions of atheism, together with the deep and lasting losses. Also, here are the immense gains of belief in God and the experience of conversion.
19 May 2019
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
This is the occasion Christ called the multitudes around Him to make a momentous statement of principle. It was a matter on which Israel's 'clergy' had misled them - what defiles people to keep them out of Heaven? Here is the Lord's answer, and the only remedy.
7 Oct 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Sin and guilt do not come, says Christ, from eating ritually banned foods, but are generated from the thoughts of the mind - the 'heart'. These contaminate us, shutting us off from God and Heaven. Here is the Lord's list of our sins, and His remedy for a new life.
5 Jul 2015
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Before conversion, we do not realise how out of touch with God we are; how little we know about Him, and how unable we are to even address Him. This healing miracle by Christ teaches how channels of communication are opened by His loving kindness.
10 Dec 2017
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
In giving sight to a blind man at Bethsaida the Lord (unusually) healed in two stages, providing a lesson of hope for seekers who have seen through the world and begin to feel their need of forgiveness. Soon the full experience of conversion will follow.
24 Apr 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Christ's healing of a blind man, uniquely accomplished in two stages, was designed to show how spiritual conversion frequently involves a phased discovery of what separates us from God, and Christ's method of uniting us with Himself.
6 Nov 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
All the healings of Christ serve to portray spiritual conversion, one of the most stirring being the healing of a demonised and epileptic youth in the Caesarea Philippi area. Here are the equivalent spiritual and moral afflictions found in all of us, only healed by conversion.