
Sermons on 1 Corinthians

16 Jan 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

This first study of a new series explores the great themes of the opening verses - the credentials of a preacher, the definition of a church, grace as the basis of all blessing, the features of conversion, and the wonders of partnership with Christ.

Christian Privileges 1 Corinthians 1.1-9
2 Oct 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Beginning a series in this remarkable epistle, full of doctrinal, devotional and practical issues. True faults of this church are often exaggerated, distorting the message. Paul's strong commendations show the majority were marvellously converted and walking with the Lord. Here are incomparable Christian blessings.
The True Source of Power 1 Corinthians 1.10
23 Jan 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

For the Gospel to be credible (so the Corinthians taught), we need conspicuous personalities or preachers. Here Paul proclaims the true source of spiritual power, the preaching of the cross of Christ, and why it is foolishness to the perishing and power to the saved.

The Wisdom and Power of God 1 Corinthians 1.10-25
9 Oct 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Corinth was a far better church than many think, but their cultural love of heroes and oratory needed to go (like some of our fads). Paul magnificently elevates the Gospel above all human wisdom. Though foolish to millions, God's call opens minds with converting power.
31 Jan 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Here is what makes the message of Christ so foolish in the eyes of the world, and why, despite its simplicity, it is really the wisest, most profound, and most effective message for the deepest human needs, in its diagnosis, remedy and outcome.

16 Oct 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
How God humbles the wise, mighty and noble both now and at the last day through the witness of ordinary believers holding forth the Cross alone. Also, how Christ is our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, and how He should be constantly praised by us.
God Overturns Society 1 Corinthians 1.21
30 Jan 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

This passage begins with man's blindness to the things of God, proving that divine power alone can awaken lost souls. Indeed, God calls the humble to bring light and life to the wise and lofty to demonstrate that all glory is due to Him.

True Greatness with God 1 Corinthians 1.29
16 Jan 2022
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

No flesh, says Paul, will glory before God, 'flesh' referring to humanity alienated from God and pursuing its own objectives and desires. This statement offends human pride, but here are the reasons and the way God freely forgives, receives and reconciles individuals to Himself.

17 Feb 2019
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The most jarring aspect of the Bible's message is that people, however accomplished and praised, have no claim to be approved by God if they have no relationship with Him. Human pride is offended, but here are God's reasons and His terms for acceptance. 

True Greatness 1 Corinthians 1.29
6 Jan 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
It is a humbling thought that no 'flesh' shall glory in the presence of God. When He is left out of life, no human ability or accomplishment is acceptable to Him. Here is why; and here is the way, through Christ, to acceptance and union with God.