
Sermons on 1 Corinthians

6 Feb 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul's chief rule for preaching (and witness) is frequently lost, leading to the withdrawal of the Spirit. Here is the apostle's golden rule. Here also is why the Gospel is called 'a mystery', together with the riches of the 'eye hath not seen' passage.

The Deep Things of God 1 Corinthians 2.1
23 Oct 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
The apostle reproves the Corinthians' taste for over-eloquent preaching decorated in philosophy, showing that Cross-centred persuasions, seemingly inadequate, are the wisdom and the power of God. Would he not condemn today's Christian drama, film, or rock-music centred outreach?
The Centrality of Christ 1 Corinthians 2.2
2 Apr 2021
Good Friday by Dr Peter Masters

Christ is the manifestation of God's nature and the only source of pardon and life for those who seek Him. All empires and philosophies pass away, but the crucifixion stands as the greatest ever act of kindness and atonement - the only way to God.

23 Jun 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Why, when there is so much in the world to admire and aspire to, should we follow the Bible and place our hopes on Jesus Christ impaled on a Roman cross? Here are tremendous reasons which have led millions to Christ and to Heaven.

Things Only Believers See 1 Corinthians 2.9
13 Feb 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The apostle impresses upon us the spiritual blindness of our unconverted state to the wonders revealed in the Gospel, including future glories (described here). Here also is the meaning of 'comparing spiritual things with spiritual,' judging all things and living the mind of Christ.

30 Oct 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Why human wisdom cannot read God's mind. God must reveal His truth to man. Here is how we may be certain that the Bible, exclusively, is that very revelation. Here also are features of the freeness of salvation, verbal inspiration and the chief rule of interpretation.
Gaining Life in the Soul 1 Corinthians 2.14
12 Sep 2021
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The 'natural man', says the Bible, does not receive the things of God, regarding them as foolishness. Why is this? What are the differences between 'natural' (unconverted) people and those who believe? How may we find forgiveness, spiritual life and purpose from God?

Becoming Spiritually Alive 1 Corinthians 2.14
26 Jul 2015
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

In the Bible, the 'natural' person is incomplete, lacking spiritual life and experience. By contrast, the 'spiritual' person has heard the call of Christ, and obtained from Him an understanding of life's spiritual and eternal context, and a personal relationship with God. Here is how.

Spiritual Building 1 Corinthians 3.1
20 Feb 2022
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Paul turns to church growth, warning that believers' hearts may be largely recaptured by the flesh. Soulwinning is God's work and we must take care how we build. Here are applications; with the case of those who will lose a reward, yet be saved 'as by fire'. 

Defining Spiritual Meat 1 Corinthians 3.1-10
6 Nov 2011
Teaching sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Spiritual maturity begins and proceeds with a taste for the 'meat' of the Word, but what is this? It is not sound doctrine alone, for 'carnal Christians' often have this. Here it is defined as passages that specifically promote love for Christ, holiness, obedience and consecration.