
Sermons on Isaiah

29 Jan 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Countless people, pre-occupied with material things, have suddenly heard about the real God, His powers and plans, and been totally surprised. Then they have heard about human alienation from God and the remedy and have found Him for themselves. This is for all who have never considered their God.
13 May 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

In this prophecy of the church age Isaiah demonstrates the challenging character of Gospel preaching, first stressing the obviousness of God, then His sovereign rule throughout history, and finally the rewards of faith and prayer - especially the power and strength imparted by Him.

8 May 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

It has been said that atheists have more 'gods' than anyone, but all have more than they realise. Here is what they are, why we cling to them, and what they do to us. Only conversion to the true God releases us from them and their service.

20 May 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

An unbelieving world, says Isaiah, will be deaf to the message behind God's mighty events (whether conquest or pandemic) while believers will know His love and power, and reap a great spiritual harvest. Here we explore the prophet's powerful words and their fulfillment.


27 May 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

With further inspired insights into the Gospel era the prophet describes an entirely new order in which the church will proclaim Christ and His accomplished salvation, sing a new hymnody extending the book of Psalms, and labour as the church militant in evangelism.

3 Jun 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The Gospel era will be for believers a time of labour for the Lord with much opposition, but here are the comforts of God beginning with Isaiah's six great arguments for assurance. Here also are predictions of regenerating power and many special provisions.

30 Jan 2022
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The Bible speaks of the record of sin kept in the depths of every conscience, suppressed by us, but brought out on the day of judgement. Only God can blot out our guilt, and here is why, how and when this may happen for us.

1 Apr 2012
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
Our greatest problem is not sickness, hardship or even death, but something we carry beyond death - the silent burden of guilt. Only the forgiveness of God can eradicate guilt and here is how God has made this possible, and how we may be reconciled with Him.
17 Jun 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Here the N.T. church is shown to consist of those who are elect, spiritually converted, connected in a spiritual family, professing Christ and pledged to Him. Here also is how God superintends history for the church, including today as we approach the end of time.

26 Nov 2017
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The human plight of today is looking away from God and alienation from Him. Here is the gracious appeal of God that stirs us from unawareness to see our spiritual need, and to experience His reconciling kindness in conversion. Here is the call of God.