
Sermons on Isaiah

20 Mar 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

We are called to turn away from lives in which God is excluded, and to seek and rely on Jesus Christ. Why? What is He really like? What has He done? What can He do for us, now, and eternally? What is it like to know Him, and what are the terms for responding to His call?

24 Jun 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

This review of four chapters begins with the fall of Babylon biblically foreshadowing the demise of this unbelieving world at the end of time (including the collapse in shame of evolution). Here also are the words of Messiah about His coming and work in the world.

1 Jul 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Having already said so much about Christ and His future church, Isaiah now shows the astonishing features of the coming Gentile conversion, the unreasonableness of unbelief to be overpowered, and the infallibility of Christ especially in the upholding of His redeemed people.

22 May 2019
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

A chapter teeming with detailed prophecy of Christ's person and work together with the characteristics of the Gospel Age and the uniting of saved Jews and Gentiles in the church. Here it is also proved that Messiah will be a divine person and not the nation.


Calvary in Isaiah Isaiah 52-53
15 Jul 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

In language of soaring beauty and with characteristic detail and precision the prophet presents first, Christ's exalted qualifications; secondly, His contrasting humiliation for the work of redemption; thirdly, His rejection; and fourthly, His unique and harrowing atonement, and finally our utter dependence upon Him.

8 Jul 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Nearly 700 years before the coming of Christ, the prophet details the principal features of the church to come: a people preserved; a people born in new revelation; a people who listen to God, and a people who live to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.

7 Sep 2014
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Isaiah's remarkable prophecy of Christ on the cross - written 700 years beforehand - describes 30 different things that were perfectly fulfilled. Here are some of them, all proving that Christ is the Son of God and Saviour of all who trust in Him.

22 Jul 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The magnificent prophecy of the Gospel church describes Christ's benefits and commission to his N.T. people giving us, 1) a new territory; 2) a new relationship; 3) a new composition, and 4) a new victory. Here are the promises of God for our preservation and power.


5 Aug 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Isaiah adopts the stance of a Gospel-age preacher proclaiming individual reconciliation and direct access to God by grace alone. Demonstrating Gospel reasoning he speaks of Christ and of Gentile salvation, crediting the outcome to irresistible grace - all with the astounding clarity of prophetic vision.

10 Mar 2019
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

Isaiah's sublime poetry exhorts the superiority of God's thoughts and plans - so benevolent, magnificent and certain. Here is what God thinks of us, and what He is ready to do for us, if we listen to Him and turn to Him for a new life.