
Sermons on Isaiah

31 May 2020
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

People have always looked outside the concept of one true God to man-made gods (and to 'no-God') for the meaning of life.  Here is why, and all that they miss, and here also is how God enters countless lives bringing eternal blessings.

14 Oct 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The call of the Gentiles along with a saved remnant of Israelites will form the New Testament church, the new creation (completely fulfilled in eternal glory). Here are the special blessings of Christ's people, saved Jews and saved Gentiles, and how diverse saved personalities fellowship.

4 Nov 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The contrast between rejected Israelites who invented their own 'gods' to their taste, and the remnant who feared the Truth. Then the great upheaval of the New Testament and the lasting features of revived Zion of elect Jews and Gentiles and their worship.