
Sermons on Isaiah

1 Sep 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

God's thoughts are so much higher than ours. He knows everything that happens - past, present and future - all the time, and His plans and intents are holy, perfect, just and fair. Ours are so different. Only God could conceive of a plan of free salvation for us, described here.

How God Thinks Isaiah 55.8
23 Oct 2011
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters
How vastly different God's thoughts are from ours! Here is what He thinks about our indifference to Him and about showing mercy and love to us by sending an atoning Saviour. Here also is a comparison of God's views and ours on matters that decide our eternal calling.
12 Aug 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Here is the contrast between the people of Christ and the children of this world, with their entirely different worldviews, lifestyles, aims and commitments. Here also is the equality before God in every sense of believers of all backgrounds, and their eternal safety.

21 Jul 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

According to the Bible morally evil behaviour is both. People sin knowingly and wilfully, and this turns into a disease, but one for which they remain responsible, because God's forgiveness and re-making is freely available. Here are the facts about conversion to the Lord.

19 Aug 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

In a great call to sincerity the prophet exposes the human tendency to hypocrisy in worship, asserting that any worship that does not change and shape life is useless before God, then outlines the magnificent blessings flowing from conscientious striving for holiness.



2 Sep 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

The Gospel era will bring an amazing Gentile harvest, transforming Zion into a proclaiming organ, with a mutual love between saved Jews and Gentiles, extending throughout the world. Little Israel will beome a worldwide church. Here are the many precious characteristics - our goal today.

30 Sep 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

Messiah speaks of His coming to give forgiveness, life and liberty to lost souls, with happiness and righteousness. Here also is amazing detail of the nature and work of the new Jewish-Gentile church, with a unique pledge of protection and security from Messiah.

The Feelings of God Isaiah 63 - 64
7 Oct 2020
Bible Study by Dr Peter Masters

First God's indignation at those hostile to believers and Truth (and how Calvary makes their judgement possible). Secondly, God's kindnesses to believers, and how He is affected by our troubles; then God's delight in surprising believers with unexpected blessings all the way to glory.

24 Jan 2016
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

The phenomenon of human love, what drives it, its strengths and limits and why rationalists cannot explain it. The superiority of Divine love, the mystery of why it is not wanted, the consequences of missing it, and how it may be experienced and proved.

14 Jul 2013
Gospel sermon by Dr Peter Masters

We see the marvels of Creation, but do not grasp the attributes of God, nor how He reconciles people with Himself. We are usually amazed when we first focus on the 'unexpected things of God', that draw us to seek Him.