Sunday Schools run by the Metropolitan Tabernacle
We give a warm welcome to all children and teenagers who come along to one of our Sunday Schools or Bible Classes. Sunday School runs from 3-4pm every Sunday and is completely free. Newcomers are welcome to join on any Sunday, and parents can come to see what their children are taught.
Our Sunday Schools and Bible Classes (for teenagers) have been greatly blessed over the years, so that total roll numbers exceed 1,000 children. Currently over 150 teachers and other staff operate our Sunday Schools in London, plus those who help with transportation, involving a fleet of 25 minibuses and numerous private cars. This not only makes it the largest Sunday School in London, but also in the UK.
The Sunday School calendar includes a summer outing for the children, and special anniversary, prizegiving and Christmas services (open to parents).
For those children and teenagers who regularly attend Sunday School, we operate term-time Weeknight Meetings, which offer a time of recreation followed by a talk on a moral or spiritual theme. A large number of church members labour through these meetings to befriend the young and reach them with the Gospel.
All teachers and regular assistants hold Disclosure and Barring Service certificates, and a Child Protection Policy is operated by the Tabernacle.
Metropolitan Tabernacle Sunday School
Elephant & Castle
Tel: 020 7735 7076
Surrey Gardens Memorial Hall Sunday School
Penrose Street (off Walworth Rd)
Surrey Square Mission Sunday School
Surrey Square (off Old Kent Road)
Brixton Branch Sunday School

Brixton Tabernacle
Stockwell Road
Sunday School transportation
Call us on 020 7735 7076 or email [email protected] to see if one of our minibuses or cars can collect your children for Sunday School.