The Tabernacle seeks to reach as many children and young people as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This mission is largely expressed through the work of Sunday Schools, Bible Classes and weeknight meetings for all ages. Outings, parties and other special occasions are also held.
Throughout the operation of these meetings, and during the collection and transporting of children the safety, protection and welfare of the children is the first priority.
Safeguarding Aims and Rules for all Sunday School Workers
With large numbers of children being collected and brought to Sunday Schools etc, behavioural problems can arise. The golden rule in our supervision of children is 'Prevention is better than cure'. Many problems can be avoided if staff are well-prepared in advance, arrive before children (whenever possible), and are watchful and ready to avert potentially difficult situations.
Please download and read the Tabernacle's safeguarding policies for All Children's Workers, Collectors and Leaders below:

All Children's Workers Collectors Leaders' Instructions Church Policy Statement
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Children and Young People Safeguarding Leads
Mr Paul Tunstell
Mrs Bunmi Ireland (deputy)
Email: [email protected]
Congregation Safeguarding Lead
Dr Joanna Lawrence
Email: [email protected]
Please see the Sunday School Data Privacy Notice for information on how we secure data and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation.