Christian Hymnbook for Children's Worship
The Christian Church has a superb tradition of God-glorifying hymns and choruses suitable for children’s worship.

'Our Own Hymnbook' contains both old and new items, chiefly well-known and memorable compositions loved over decades.
It incorporates many of the famous choruses produced by the Children's Special Service Mission (CSSM) from the 1930s, excellent examples of how Gospel precision and commitment of heart may be united in verse.

Selected by Jill Masters, author of the Sunday School Lessons for Life series, this compilation of Sunday School hymns for children was originally conceived for Britain’s largest Sunday School at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London.
Nothing matches the traditional genre of hymn and chorus writing for spiritual accuracy, clarity, reverence and quality. Many of these songs of worship have lived on in the memories of children even to old age, serving as beacon lights of saving truth. May they continue to sow and keep the message of God’s Word in the minds of many more young people.
This Sunday School hymn book contains 97 hymns and 99 choruses, arranged in order of age suitability under each subject heading. This volume contains both words and music. PDF files with the words are available for free download for enlargement or projection by Sunday Schools. Please see below.
'Our Own Hymnbook' Music edition is available from the Tabernacle Bookshop for £12.99.
233 pages, spiral bound paperback, Wakeman, ISBN 978 1 870855 68 8.
Words-Only Edition
A full-colour words-only edition for children to accompany the music edition. This has an attractive 'leatherette' style cover with silver blocking. Designed to be used for personal devotionals as well as in Sunday School Lessons.
£5.95, 127 pages, Wakeman, ISBN 978 1 870855 69 3.
Available from Tabernacle Bookshop [large discounts for Sunday Schools].
CD Pack
A 2-CD pack is also available which is intended to inform Sunday School leaders and pianists of the tunes selected in the music book. Each track contains a single verse of each hymn or chorus (piano without singing). Contains 187 tracks. Price: £3.00.
The Automatic Organist
The automatic organist is a help to any church or Sunday School wishing to have traditional reverent worship but lacking a pianist to play the hymn tunes.
A new software version of George, the automatic MIDI accompanist, is now available as a free download for PC, and is capable of playing hymns and choruses on most keyboards. Click here to find out more.
Free downloads for enlargement or projection.
PDF files of the hymns for children are available free-of-charge for enlargement or projection by Sunday Schools. Please use links below.