Building an Outreach Sunday School
Author: Jill Masters
Is your church keen to start its own Sunday School, but are unsure about the staff required, how to organise the hour or what child protection policies need to be considered?

'Building an Outreach Sunday School' is a practical manual for the starting, enlargement and operation of Sunday Schools. It incorporates years of experience from one who has pioneered Sunday School work in a new town, and has been central for many years to the growth of Britain’s largest Sunday School (with 900 enrolled children and teenagers), at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in the heart of London.
This manual teems with information and tips which will help small as well as large Sunday Schools, but the transparent aim is to encourage the greatest growth possible, in gathering teenagers and children under the sound of the Word.
An extract from this book
Many Christians maintain that even if an evangelistic Sunday School were to be held, today’s children would not be interested or persuaded to attend. Yet I have gained the impression over the years that there are thousands, even millions, of children who would attend Sunday School, if only churches were to seriously operate evangelistic Sunday Schools, obeying the command of the Saviour to suffer little children to come to him!
Can Sunday Schools Succeed Today?
Section 1: Why Start a Sunday School?
Section 2: Preparing to Start
Section 3: Organisation
Section 4: Teaching Materials - the Lessons for Life Plan
Section 5: The Teaching Approach
Section 6: Leading a Department
Section 7: Collecting the Children
Section 8: The Sunday School Year
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